Who has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign in Latin America and the Caribbean?


  • Exhibition "Aqua Planetae" at the III International Water Congress, Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina
    In the framework of the III International Water Congress to be held in Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina which will take place on 21-22 March 2014, the exhibition "Aqua Planetae" will be presented. The exhibition, which displays 1,400 bottled samples of water from 31 countries, represents a legacy of mankind for new generations. "Aqua Planetae", an initiative led by Carlos Montani and San Luis Agua organization, has joined the Decade's campaign.
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  • XIII Expociencia Expotecnología 2013 - International Year of Water Cooperation
    The Colombian Association for the Advancement of Sciences (ACAC), a private non-profit organization, is organizing, on the occasion of the International Year of Water Cooperation, the XIII Expociencia Expotecnología 2013. The XIII Expociencia Expotecnología 2013, which will take place from 28 October to 3 November 2013, aims to create opportunities for the business, academic, educational, scientific and technological sectors, to participate through sharing innovative projects and proposals as well as scientific and technological developments that contribute to the development of the country and the welfare of the Colombian people. The event has joined the Decade and has been authorized the use of the Decade’s logo.
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  • EKOMURO H2O+ rainwater collection
    Ekomuro H2O+ is a system for rainwater collection which interconnects reused plastic bottles forming a water container which is compact and resistant to water pressure. The system occupies very little space and is designed to meet water saving needs in urban housing and also complement environmental school projects. This initiative has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and the logo will be included in the ecological murals designed by the students and in posters and leaflets.

  • Liceo Taller San Miguel, Pereira, Colombia implements the project "For roads and water, recovering the future," a recuperation of the wetland Danapure and of two streams: La María y Lavapiés. The Liceo Taller San Miguel has also been developing a number of environmental projects for more than 10 years. The Liceo has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and includes the Decade’s logo on its website.
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  • I am Water Culture
    The main objective of the project “I am Water Culture“ is to raise awareness and educate preschool, primary, secondary and high school students as well as community leaders, the industry sector and civil society in general on water issues. This training activity is coordinated by the Water Culture and Social Communication area of OperAgua Izcalli, which is a public entity for the provision of drinking water and wastewater services in the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico. OperAgua Izcalli has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and the logo will be used in its awareness raising campaigns on water culture, its corporate image and webpage.
15-17 January 2015: See results!

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