![]() The 52nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York from 25 February to 7 March 2008. Please click on the links below for further information and resources.
Participants The session was attended by the representatives of Member States of the United Nations and representatives of United Nations entities and of ECOSOC accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world. Pre-registered NGO participants, click here for the NGO Participation Note. As decided in the revision of its working methods and programme of work in 2006 (ECOSOC 2006/9), during the 52nd session the Commission considered a priority theme and an emerging issue. In addition, the Commission also reviewed implementation of the agreed conclusions (recommendations) on a theme considered at an earlier session. Priority theme Financing for gender equality and empowerment of women High-level round table on “Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women” - Monday 25 February 2008, 3 to 6 pm Interactive expert panel on “Key policy initiatives on financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women” - Tuesday 26 February 2008, 10 am to 1 pm Interactive expert panel: “Capacity-building
for mainstreaming a gender perspective in the development, implementation
and evaluation of national economic policies and programmes and
budgets” -
Tuesday 26 February 2008, Expert
group meeting on "Financing for gender equality and the
empowerment of women" Emerging issue Gender perspectives on climate change Moderator's summary The emerging issue was considered through an interactive expert panel. Five to six experts on the chosen theme provided information and insights based on experience from research and analysis, policy development and programme planning, implementation and monitoring. A brief discussion guide was provided in advance by the Division for the Advancement of Women. Member States and other participants provided information and insights, experiences, lessons learned and good practice examples from their efforts to address the emerging issue. Review theme Women’s equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peacebuilding Moderator's Summary The review of the agreed conclusions on “Women’s equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peacebuilding”, adopted by the Commission at its 48th session in 2004, took the form of an interactive dialogue. Discussion was initiated by initial interventions by keynote speakers. A brief discussion guide was provided in advance by the Division for the Advancement of Women. Member States and other participants provided information and insights, experiences, lessons learned and good practice examples from their efforts to implement the agreed conclusions. Parallel event on the theme for the 53rd session in 2009 “The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS.” Moderator's Summary To provide initial guidance to the Member States and other actors in preparing for the consideration of the theme of the 53rd session in 2009: “The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS”, an interactive panel was organized in the margins of the Commission, as a parallel event. A panel of experts introduced the topic and an interactive dialogue followed. Member States and other participants provided information and insights, based on their, experiences, lessons learned and good practice examples from their work in this area, to share ideas on what should be covered by the Commission at its 53rd session.. Indicators on violence against women In response to the General Assembly resolution 61/143, on “Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women”, the Commission organized a joint workshop with the Statistics Commission to consider the development of indicators on violence against women during the first week of the Commission. Moderator's Summary Annotated provisional agenda and proposed organization of work: Week One: 25-29 February 2008
Week Two: 3-7 March 2008
Official documentation The Secretary-General prepares reports on the priority theme under consideration by the Commission, as well as on topics mandated through the resolutions and decisions of the Commission. The Bureau and the Secretariat also provide further documentation, as mandated by the Commission. All official documentation is provided on the website prior to the session, as soon as it is available in all official United Nations languages. Opening statements: Launch of the Secretary-General's Campaign to End Violence Against Women:
Statement by Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), at launch of the Secretary-General’s campaign to end violence against women, held at the opening of the fifty-second session of the Commission - 25 February 2008
Launch of the Campaign to Eliminate
Female Genital Mutilation: Other statements : Regional groups:
Member States: Permanent observers: Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its Causes and Consequences: UN entities: Other
inter-governmental organizations: NGO participation eligibility Calendar of parallel events organized by Permanent Missions and UN Agencies Calendar of parallel events organized by NGOs Parallel events organized or co-sponsored by DAW The large programme of parallel events or activities organized outside the formal programme of the Commission, provided an excellent opportunity to bring critical issues to the fore. These parallel events were organized by Member States, UN entities, other international and regional organizations and NGOs. Existing materials or new materials developed specifically for the Commission were distributed at these parallel events. The majority of NGO events were held at the UN Church Centre on 44th St. and 1st Avenue, New York, opposite the United Nations Headquarters. Any queries on these events should be addressed directly to: Tthe NGO Commitee on the Status of Women Women’s Commission, Concluding Session, Adopts Wide-Ranging Agreed Conclusions On Financing For Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment - 13 March 2008 Women’s Commission Approves Resolutions On Palestinian Women, Training Institute, Women And Child Hostages, Female Genital Mutilation, HIV/AIDS - 7 March 2008 ‘Investing In Women Is Not Only The Right Thing To Do; It Is The Smart Thing To Do’, Says Secretary-General As United Nations Marks International Women’s Day - 6 March 2008 Women’s Commission Discusses United Nations 2010-2011 Strategic Framework On Gender Issues, Advancement Of Women - 6 March 2008 Women’s Commission Hears Introduction Of Texts On Women And Child Hostages, HIV/AIDS, Female Genital Mutilation, Palestinian Women - 5 March 2008 ‘It Is Time For The World To Make Women A Priority’ Women’s Commission Told, As It Hears From More Than 50 Speakers In Concluding Debate - 3 March 2008 Global Anti-Poverty Goals Can Be Met ‘Only By Investing In The World’s Women And Girls’, Says Secretary-General, In International Day Message - 29 February 2008 Women’s Full Participation In Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding Needed To End Use Of Sexual Violence As Weapon, Ensure Legal Rights, Say Commission Speakers - 29 February 2008 Women Must Participate In All Aspects Of Climate Change Debate, In Particular Decision-Making On Adaptation, Mitigation, Say Speakers In Women’s Commission - 28 February 2008 In Women’s Commission, Deputy Secretary-General Launches Pledge To End Female Genital Mutilation, Says Practice Unacceptable By Any Moral, Ethical Standard - 27 February 2008 Women’s Commission Panels Discuss Ways To Ensure Development Financing Recognizes Women’s Contributions, Supports Their Economic Rights - 26 February 2008 Violence Against Women ‘Never Acceptable, Never Excusable, Never Tolerable’, Says Secretary-General As Global Campaign Launched At Women’s Commission - 25 February 2008 Press Conference On Ending Violence Against Women Campaign - 25 February 2008 Commission On Status Of Women Will Hold Fifty-Second Session At Headquarters, 25 February – 7 March - 22 February 2008 Panelists for the interactive panels on the priority theme Panel 1: Key policy initiatives and innovative approaches to financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women The panelists selected by the CSW Bureau included representatives of Member States, United Nations and non-governmental organizations. Panelists selected had significant experience of policy initiatives and innovative approaches in one or more of the following areas related to financing for gender equality and empowerment of women: macro-economics; public finance, including gender-responsive budgeting; mobilization of international resources, including bilateral and multilateral assistance and new aid modalities; new and innovative sources of funding; and follow-up to the Monterrey Consensus on financing for development. Panel 2: Capacity building on gender mainstreaming in relation to financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women. The panelists selected by the CSW Bureau included representatives of Member States, United Nations and non-governmental organizations. Panelists selected had significant experience in capacity-building for gender mainstreaming in one or more of the following areas: macro-economics; public finance, including gender-responsive budgeting; mobilization of international resources, including bilateral and multilateral assistance and new aid modalities; new and innovative sources of funding; and follow-up to the Monterrey Consensus on financing for development. All selected panelists prepared and submitted, to the Division for the Advancement of Women, a written statement based on their area of expertise, which was circulated at the CSW and presented at the panel, in one of the six official languages of the United Nations, to stimulate interactive discussion.