Last updated: 02 March 2004
The TRAIN-SEA-COAST Programme is an inter-country cooperative training network composed of training/educational centres in developing countries, countries in transition and developed countries.
aims at strengthening the capabilities of institutions and individuals having
responsibilities in the field of coastal and ocean management.
The Central Support Unit at UN/DOALOS oversees the coordination and management of the TSC Network.
TRAIN-SEA-COAST is the primary instrument through which
UN/DOALOS, as the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS), is attempting to build up national capabilities for human
resources development in the field of coastal and ocean management.
The TRAIN-SEA-COAST Programme is part of the United Nations TRAIN-X Network comprised of eight training programmes implemented by UN organizations in different fields of specialization. All programmes share similar objective and approaches to training.
Since its inception in 1992, TRAIN-X has been coordinated by UNDP. It has evolved from work pioneered by ITU in developing its TRAINTEL (Telecommunications) programme in the early 1970s.
In the 1980s, UNCTAD drew on the successful experience of ITU to establish TRAINMAR (Maritime Transport). These two programmes then supported the development of UNCTAD's TRAINFORTRADE programme (International Trade) and the creation of TRAINAIR (Civil Aviation) by ICAO in the late 1980s. Since 1992 four additional UN agencies joined the UN TRAIN-X Network: United Nations (TRAIN-SEA-COAST), UNITAR (CC:TRAIN [Climate Change]), UPU (TRAINPOST [Postal Services]), and FAO (TRAINFISH [Fisheries]).
The Programme was launched in 1993 and became
operational in 1995. It is hosted by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the
Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs (UN/OLA/DOALOS) at the UN
Headquarters, with the financial assistance of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP/GEF).
The Programme is composed of TSC CDUs Course Development Units (CDUs) (Map) which are hosted primarily by academic/training centres. 11 CDUs were created in the period 1995-1997. In 1999, five new CDUs were established, associated with GEF International Water Project. A CDU in Germany was added in 2000.
The use of this web site constitutes agreement with the terms and conditions of use of United Nations web sites. Prepared by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations.
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