Sessions of the Preparatory Committee and meetings of the Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working groups
15 - 17 April 2009: Preparatory Committee third substantive session
- Report of the intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group (Advance unedited version)
- Draft Outcome Document Rev 1
- Provisional Agenda of the Preparatory Committee third substantive session
- Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
- Report of the High Commissioner
- Note on NGO accreditation
- Contribtion by the Council of Europe to the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
- Contribution by ILO
- Contribution by UNESCO (advance unedited version)
- Click to view webcast video of this session
6 - 9 April 2009: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to continue and finalize the process of negotiations on and drafting of the outcome document, second session
- Rolling text prepared by the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the working group 17-03-2009 (edited version)
16 - 19 and 26 February 2009: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to continue and finalize the process of negotiations on and drafting of the outcome document, informal open-ended consultations
- For the version of the draft outcome document that resulted from these informal consultations, please consult the OHCHR Durban Review Conference Extranet.
19 - 23 January 2009: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to continue and finalize the process of negotiations on and drafting of the outcome document, first session
- Revised version of CRP.2 on 23-1-2009 at 6:00 pm This is the latest version of the document accepted by the working group as the basis for negotiations towards an outcome document for the Durban Review Conference.
27 November 2008: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to continue and finalize the process of negotiations on and drafting of the outcome document, first meeting
- Provisional agenda and annotations
- Compilation of proposals (CRP.1)
- Technically reviewed version of the compilation of proposals (CRP.2)
6 - 17 October 2008: Preparatory Committee second substantive session
- Contribution by the OIC
- Draft provisional agenda
- Annotations to the provisional agenda
- Note by the Secretariat on NGO accreditation
- Addendum 1 to the Note by the Secretariat on NGO accreditation
- Addendum 2 to the Note by the Secretariat on NGO accreditation
- Report of the Regional Preparatory Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Addendum (Good Practices) to the Report of the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (In Spanish)
- Contribution from Guyana on best practices
- Contribution from Romania
- Report of the Regional Preparatory Conference for Africa
- Response to the questionnaire by the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent
- Reports of Preparatory Meetings and Activities at the International, Regional and National levels
- Contribution by the ILO
- Contribution by the Committee on Migrant Workers
- Contribution from the European Union
- Contribution by the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Contribution by the Asian Region to the Durban Review Conference
- Joint contribution of Special Procedures
- Report of the Inter-sessional Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group to follow up the work of the Preparatory Committee
- Compilation of proposals
- Report of The Preparatory Committee on its second substantive session
- Corrigendum
- Click to view webcast video of this session
5 September 2008: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to follow up the work of the Preparatory Committee for the Durban Review Conference, second session
- Agenda and annotations
- Additional contributions from States
- Addendum to summary of replies
- Working document submitted by the Chairperson-Rapporteur
26 - 30 May 2008: Intersessional open-ended intergovernmental working group to follow up the work of the Preparatory Committee for the Durban Review Conference, first session
21 April - 2 May 2008: Preparatory Committee first substantive session
- Report
- Documentation
- Provisional agenda
- Annotations to the provisional agenda
- Orders of the day :
- Questionnaire to Member States
- Replies from Member States
- Proposals of the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee and proposals of the Chairperson
- Addendum
- Note by the Secretariat on NGO accreditation
- Questionnaire addressed to other stakeholders
- Contributions from other stakeholders:
- Contribution submitted by CERD
- Contribution submitted by IGWG
- Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
- Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
- Special Rapporteur Right to education
- Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent
- Summary of replies to the questionnaire by States
- Click to view webcast video of this session
27 - 31 August 2007: Preparatory Committee organizational session