Committee for Programme and Coordination
Coordinators of the 51st session
PRINT: CPC.51 List of Coordinators
3(a) |
Programme Questions:Consolidated Report of the Secretary-General on the changes to the biennial programme plan as reflected in the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 and the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/82) |
Programme 2: Political affairs | Mr. Felix A. DATUOWEI (Nigeria) |
Programme 7: UN Women | Mr. Chull-joo PARK (Republic of Korea) |
Programme 12: Human settlements | Mr. Hendrik O. van der WESTHUIZEN (South Africa) |
Programme 18: Economic and social development in Western Asia | Ms. Beatriz González Betancort(Spain) |
(b) | Evaluations: Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) evaluation reports | |
OIOS report: on strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy (A/66/71) | Mr. Álvaro CERIANI (Uruguay) | |
OIOS report: evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (E/AC.51/2011/2) | Mr. Sebastián MOLTENI (Argentina)TBD |
OIOS report: Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of political affairs: field special political missions led by the Department of Political Affairs but supported by the Department of Field Support (E/AC.51/2011/3) | Mr. Igor KRASNOV (Belarus) |
4(a) |
Coordination Questions Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination |
Annual overview report of the UN System CEB for Coordination for 2010/11 (E/2011/104) | Mr. Isi YANOUKA (Israel) |
(b) | New Partnership for Africa’s Development |
Report on the United Nations system support for NEPAD. (E/AC.51/2011/4) | Mr. Rashid BAYAT MOKHTARI (Iran) |
PRINT: CPC.51 List of Coordinators