Anotated Agenda Items of the 63rd session:
123. Human resources managementAt its sixty-first session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-third session on the issues related to human resources management reform; recruitment and staffing; rostering; the staff selection system; national competitive examinations; measures to improve equitable geographical distribution; measures to recruit and appoint nationals from unrepresented and underrepresented Member States, in particular developing countries, including at such senior levels as Under-Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General; gender representation; mobility; staff development policy; human resources action plans and accountability; and implementation of the human resources information technology system; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly for consideration at its sixty-third session reports, as appropriate, on the results of the implementation of the resolution (resolution 61/244). At its resumed sixty-second session, in April 2008, the General Assembly decided to continue consideration of the issue of contractual arrangements and conditions of service, including in United Nations field operations, as a matter of priority at the main part of the sixty-third session (resolution 62/248). At the same resumed sixty-second session, in April 2008, under agenda item 126, the General Assembly decided to defer until its sixty-third session consideration of the reports of the Secretary-General contained in documents A/61/732, A/62/274 & A/61/861; the addendum to the report of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2006 (A/61/30/Add.1); and the report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.14 (sect. II)) (decision 62/545 B). |
a | Reports of the Secretary-General under resolution 61/244: | |
i | Composition of the Secretariat (resolutions 57/305, sect. IX, 59/266 & 60/238); A/63/310 & Add.1, 2 & 3 | |
ii | Recruitment and staffing in the United Nations: strategy going forward, A/63/285 | |
iii | Implementation of the mobility policy, A/63/208 | |
iv | Detailed proposals for streamlining United Nations contractual arrangements: a way forward, A/63/298 | |
v | Human resources management reform, A/63/282 | |
vi | Amendments to the Staff Regulations (staff regulation 12.3), A/63/89 | |
b | Other reports of the Secretary-General: | |
i | List of staff of the United Nations Secretariat (resolution 49/222 & decision 58/564 B) | |
ii | Measures taken to address seven systemic human resources issues raised in the context of the reform of the internal system of administration of justice (resolution 62/228), A/63/132 | |
iii | Practice of the Secretary-General in disciplinary matters and possible criminal behaviour, 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 (resolution 59/287, para. 16), A/63/202 |
iv | Measures to improve the imbalance in the geographical distribution of the staff in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (resolution 62/236), A/63/204 | |
v | Conditions of service and compensation for officials, other than Secretariat officials, serving the General Assembly: full-time members of the International Civil Service Commission and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (resolution 57/285, A/63/354 (also relates to item 121)) | |
vi | Activities of the Ethics Office (resolution 60/254), A/63/301 | |
c | Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the composition of the staff of the Office of the High Commissioner (resolution 61/159) (also relates to item 67 (b)), A/63/290 | |
d | Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on an in-depth evaluation of the Office of Human Resources Management (resolutions 61/235 & 62/236, para. 36), A/63/221 (also relates to item 131) | |
e | Reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions |
...for the sixty-second session (agenda item 126) | ||
Report of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2006: Supplement No. 30 (addendum) (A/61/30/Add.1) | ||
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the audit of the application of the best value for money principle in United Nations procurement; note by the Secretary-General transmitting his comments thereon (A/61/846 & Add.1) | ||
Reports of the Secretary-General: | ||
Staffing of field missions, including the use of 300- and 100-series appointments (A/61/732) | |
Harmonization of conditions of service (A/61/861) |
Summary records | A/C.5/62/SR.12, 14 & 36 | |
Report of the Fifth Committee | A/61/659 | |
Plenary meetings | A/61/PV.84 | |
Resolutions | 61/244 |
...for the sixty-second session (agenda items 126 and 133) | ||
Report of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2007: Supplement No. 30 and corrigendum (A/62/30 & Corr.1) | ||
Reports of the Secretary-General: | ||
Multi-year payment plans (A/62/70) | |
Amendments to the Staff Rules (A/62/185) | ||
Implementation of the mobility policy (A/62/215) | ||
Detailed proposals for streamlining United Nations contractual arrangements (A/62/274) | ||
Comprehensive report on United Nations procurement activities (A/62/525) | ||
Reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/62/7/Add.14 (sect. II) & A/62/721) |
Summary records | A/C.5/62/SR.28, 31 & 36 | |
Report of the Fifth Committee | A/62/772 & A/62/604/Add.1 | |
Plenary meetings | A/62/PV.91 | |
Resolutions | 62/248 | |
Decision | 62/545 B |