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MSI: Mauritius Strategy of Implementation

BPoA +10: Mauritius Strategy
(Ten Year Review of BPoA)
Port-Louis, Mauritius, Jan 2005


The International Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS was convened in January 2005, in Port-Louis, Mauritius.

The meeting was attended by 18 Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Prime Ministers, some 60 ministers and nearly 2000 delegates, civil society representatives and journalists from 114 countries, and by 15 UN or multilateral agencies.

The meeting showed

a renewed interest and commitment on the part of the entire international community for the issues of concern to these states -- from environmental vulnerabilities to small economies, remoteness from world markets, high energy costs and waste management problems”

declared by the UN Secretary General

The meeting was concluded with the adoption of both a pro-active Strategy to further implement this programme of action, called Mauritius Strategy, and of a political declaration, The Mauritius Declaration.

Meeting Details