CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030
In December 2018, CPF member organizations held a retreat at which they discussed the future direction of the Partnership beyond 2020. As an outcome of these discussions, the CPF decided to develop its strategic vision towards 2030, in support of the implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030. In developing this strategic vision, CPF member organizations considered a number of inputs, including, findings of a study on the development of the strategic vision; outcomes of two CPF working group meetings on the development of the strategic vision; and the ongoing work of the UN Secretary-General’s Executive Committee on forests, including the outcome of the Leadership Dialogue on turning the tide on deforestation which was held during the UNFCCC COP25 meeting in December 2019.
On 27 January 2020, the principals of the CPF member organizations met at FAO HQ, Rome and endorsed the CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 [English | French | Spanish].
The CPF strategic vision reflects the values and aspirations of its member organizations to collectively advance sustainable forest management worldwide and to support relevant actions by member States, as well as other stakeholders. The strategic vision also provides the foundation for a coherent and powerful account of what the CPF aims to accomplish up to 2030 in the form of a vision statement and strategic priorities.