Expert group meeting on reporting to UNFF

The UN Forum on Forests Secretariat and the Federal Government of Brazil are jointly convening an expert meeting to discuss and propose a draft format for reporting on progress towards implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 and the UN Forest Instrument, and including the forest related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets. The meeting will be held from 7-10 February 2017, in Brasilia.


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ECOSOC resolution 2015/33 on the “International Arrangement on Forests beyond 2015” requested the secretariat of the Forum, in consultation with relevant bodies and partners including the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and its members, to propose for consideration by the Forum at its next session a cycle and a format for national reporting and the enhancement of voluntary monitoring, assessment and reporting on the progress made in the implementation of the UN Forest Instrument and its Global Objectives on Forests (GOFs), as well as the forest related SDGs and targets, taking into account and utilizing existing data collection mechanisms. Consistent with this request, and as part of the consultative process, this expert meeting is being organized in Brazil in February 2017 to propose a cycle and a format for national reporting to UNFF12 in May 2017.