Capacity building workshop on reporting on progress made towards the achievement of the Global Forests Goals (GFGs) and targets of the UN Strategic Plan on Forests 2030 (UNSPF)

Date: | October 28, 2019 to October 30, 2019 |
Location: | Bangkok, Thailand |
Organiser: | UNFF Secretariat |
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About the event
The main goal of this UNFFS workshop was to build capacity for voluntary national reporting to UNFF. The specific objectives were to review draft national reports to UNFF and address any potential issues/challenges that countries might have experienced in preparing their national reports for UNFF15. Workshop participants were expected to have submitted their draft national reports to the Secretariat prior to the workshop. The Secretariat used the draft reports to identify gaps/challenges, which were discussed and addressed during the workshop.
For more information see: Co-Chairs’ Summary | Organisation of Work | Concept Note