Global financial mechanism

Date: | October 10, 2008 to October 14, 2008 |
Location: | Vienna, Austria |
Organiser: |
About the event
To develop proposals for the development of a voluntary global financial mechanism/portfolio approach/forest financing framework
Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting, 10 -14 November 2008, UNOV, Vienna, Austria
Synthesis of inputs on financing options for sustainable forest management
Requests for inputs on proposals for financing sustainable forest management
[Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]
Responses on proposals for financing sustainable forest management
Member States: Angola | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Cuba | European Union | Grenada | Guatemala | India | Indonesia | Japan | New Zealand | Niger | Philippines | Republic of Korea | Russian Federation | Suriname | Switzerland | Thailand | United States of America
Major Groups: Indigenous Peoples | Non-Governmental Organisations
Provisional List of Participants
Official Documents
Provisional Agenda and Annotations (E/CN.18/2008/1)
[Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]
Note by the Secretariat: Financing for sustainable forest management: mobilizing financial resources to support the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and to promote sustainable forest management (E/CN.18/2008/2)
[Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]
Travel Support and Participant Registration Information
Presentations during the AHEG meeting
10 November 2008
Financing for sustainable forest management
REDD, progress under SBSTA and AW_LCA
Forest Investment Program (FIP) Summary of First Design Meeting
CPF / FAO Work on forests finance
Financing Flows and Needs to Implement the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests
Paramaribo Dialogue Financing for Sustainable Forest Management
Background Documents
Advance Unedited Version of Financing Flows and Needs to Implement the Non-Legally Binding Instrument On All Types of Forests: A study prepared for the Advisory Group on Finance of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests with the support of the Program on Forests (PROFOR) of the World Bank
Unofficial Translation of the Executive Summary: [Arabic | Chinese | French |Russian | Spanish]
Background Analysis Paper on Financing for the implementation of the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on Forests: A FAO contribution to the Advisory Group on Finance of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
The Paramaribo Dialogue Co-Chairs’ Summary Report of the Country-led Initiative on Financing for Sustainable Forest Management in Support of UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2009/17
[ Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish ]
Reference Documents
Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests Seventh Session, 16-27 April 2007, New York (E/CN.18/2007/8 . E/CN.18/2007/8 (SUPP). E/2007/42 . E/2007/42 (SUPP))
[Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]
Report of the Ad hoc expert group on finance and transfer of environmentally sound technologies,
15 -19 December 2003, Geneva (E/CN.18/2004/5)
[Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]
Note by the Secretariat on Financing for sustainable forest management: current challenges in the changed financial environment, 15 -19 December 2003, Geneva (E/CN.18/AC.2/2003/2)
[ Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian| Spanish]
Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF): Sourcebook on Funding for Sustainable Forest Management
Organization of Work (Draft)