14th session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF14)

Date: | May 6, 2019 to May 10, 2019 |
Location: | New York, United States |
Organiser: | UNFF Secretariat |
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About the event
The fourteenth session of the UN Forum on Forests will be held from 6 to 10 May 2019 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. As outlined in the Quadrennial programme of work of the Forum for the period 2017-2020, odd-year sessions will focus on discussions on implementation, technical advice and exchange of experiences while even-year sessions will focus on policy dialogue, development and decision-making.
For more information see the UNFF14 Provisional Agenda: E/CN.18/2018/L.1 [Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish ]