Major Groups Workplan
The Major Groups Workplan identifies the main types of interventions through which Major Groups can add value to the efforts of governments, the private sector and other major stakeholders in implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030. It was developed in response to guidance received from the UN Forum on Forests at its 12th session, where Major Groups and other relevant stakeholders were encouraged to continue their involvement in the work of the Forum, including by elaborating proposals or workplans on how they could contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the Forum’s quadrennial programme of work.
In May 2022, at the XV World Forestry Congress the Youth Call for Action (YCA) was adopted. The YCA was the result of a two-year journey, four regional consultations, and over 600 youth organizations and young experts from all over the world between the age of 18 to 35, which identified the challenges and the recommendations to meaningful inclusion, participation, and recognition of young people in the forest sector. IFSA as the focal point of UNFF MGCY, led the development of the Youth Call for Action, and future work plans of IFSA and MGCY will be based on this call.