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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

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Documents of the Working Group

- List of Contributions

- Compilation of Proposals

In accordance with the decision by the Ad Hoc Committee (contained in the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee, A/58/118 & Corr.1), the Working Group was to prepare and present a draft a text for basis for negotiation by the Ad Hoc Committee taking into account all contributions submitted to the Ad Hoc Committee in advance of the meetings of the Working Group. The decision requested the Secretary-General to provide the Working Group with all relevant documentation, including the report of the second session of the Ad Hoc Committee.

In addition to the above, a Compilation of Proposals for Elements of a Convention (both in accessible html version and in MS Word file) was prepared as a reference document for the Working Group. This compilation is an updated and combined version of the Compilation of proposals for a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/13), the NGO contributions to the elements of a convention (A/AC.265/2003/CRP.13/Add.1), and all contributions subsequently submitted in the form of proposed texts of a convention for the work of the Ad Hoc Committee.

List of Contributions:

Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee:


National Human Rights Insitutions:

IGOs/Regional Meetings:

United Nations System:



Compilation of proposals for elements of a convention

(Download MS Word version)

The Compilation is organized under the following headings:

Part I. Preamble

Part II. Statement of Objectives and General Principles

Part III. Scope/Definitions

Part IV. General Obligations of States Parties

Part V. Guarantee of Equality and Non-Discrimination

Part VI. Guarantees of Specific Rights


Part VII. Monitoring Mechanisms

Part VIII. Final/General Provisions

Each section is divided into General Comments and Specific Proposals, under which contributions from Governments, National Human Rights Institutions, IGOs/regional meetings, NGOs, and others/individuals (except Part VIII. Final/General Provisions which contains only the Specific Proposals) are presented in the sequence.

Disclaimer: Elements of a draft convention included in this Compilation were directly incorporated from the contributions received, without any editing.