Expert meeting on Strengthening Major Groups and Other Stakeholders’ Engagement in the work of the International Arrangement on Forests

Date: | October 5, 2016 to October 6, 2016 |
Location: | Ottawa, Canada |
Organiser: | UNFF Secretariat & Canadian Forest Service |
About the event
The UNFF Secretariat and the Canadian Forest Service are jointly convening a two-day expert meeting titled “expert meeting on strengthening major groups and other stakeholders’ engagement in
the work of the international arrangement on forests (IAF) beyond 2015”. At UNFF11, Member States invited major groups and other stakeholders to enhance their contributions to the work of the IAF beyond 20153, and requested the Forum secretariat to promote the involvement of major groups and other stakeholders in its work, in particular leaders from the private sector and non-governmental sector, including forest industries, local communities and philanthropic organizations.
The expert meeting will take place from 5 to 6 October 2016 in Ottawa, Canada. Approximately 30 invitees from forest-related civil society organizations and other stakeholders, UNFF Major Groups and UNFF Member States are expected to participate in this expert meeting in their personal capacity.
– Provisional Agenda
– Concept Note
– Background Paper “Review of the Provisions and Arrangements of 10 Intergovernmental Organisations for involving Major Groups and other stakeholders”
– Background Paper “Major Groups Engagement in the UNFF: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities”