
International Day of Forests 2015

The International Day was celebrated with a Special Event in the ECOSOC Chamber of UNHQ on 20 March 2015. The event entitled “International Day of Forests: Create a Climate Smart Future” focused on showcasing forest – based solutions to climate change, and sustainable development more broadly. The Special Event was chaired by Mr. Manoel Sobral Filho, Director, UNFFS with opening remarks from H.E. Mrs. Marianne Odette Bibalou, Deputy Permanent Representative of Gabon.

The event included a panel discussion on “Forest-based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” with members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. During the General Discussion statements were presented by six Member States – Deputy Permanent Representatives of Israel, Italy and Russia, as well as Representatives of Brazil, Iran and Japan. The event was attended by nearly 100 participants, including representatives from 30 Member States and Regional Organizations.

Social media campaign

The day’s messages on forests got amplified by a 21-day social media campaign.

ECOSOC Chamber special event

UN Webtv provides the opportunity to watch the 2015 celebration on-demand.

Celebration photos

2015 International Day of Forests

Climate-Resilient Future

Secretary-General, on International Day of Forests, Stresses Investment, Smart Policies Essential for Building Sustainable, Climate-Resilient Future

Forests and climate change

UNFF Secretariat ran a highly visual 21 day campaign, counting down to 21 March on the 2015 theme 'Forests and Climate Change'.