Past Presidents
65th Session: Joseph Deiss
Joseph Deiss was elected President of the United Nations General Assembly’s 65th session on 11 June 2010. An economist and politician with extensive experience in multilateral affairs, Mr. Deiss served in the Federal Council of Switzerland (Swiss cabinet) from 1999 to 2006.
Joseph Deiss presided the General Assembly’s 65th session from 14 September 2010 to 12 September 2011.
Also on 11 June 2010, the General Assembly elected 21 Vice-Presidents for the 65th session:
- from the African States: Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Mauritania, Senegal and Sudan;
- from the Asian-Pacific States: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan;
- from the Eastern European States: Belarus;
- from the Latin American and Caribbean States: Ecuador, Nicaragua and Suriname;
- from the Western European and Other States: Luxembourg;
- the five permanent members of the Security Council: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States.
Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
The sixty-fifth session opened with a debate on a fundamental issue, namely, making progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Those goals remind us that poverty is multifaceted and requires wide-ranging action.
"The commitment of the international community is particularly important today," said president H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss in his acceptance speech. "How can the progress made just prior to the economic and financial crisis be consolidated? How can implementation be accelerated in areas such as maternal health and infant mortality, which have been lagging behind? In addition, how can we prevent new economic and financial crises and ensure lasting economic growth whereby the most vulnerable enjoy decent living conditions and natural resources are utilized in a prudent way? Climate change, food security and the reconstruction and strengthening of fragile post-conflict States are other major issues confronting us. However, finding lasting solutions to those challenges requires governance that better reflects new global balances. It also requires a United Nations that functions more effectively and serves the interests of every individual."
"Lastly," he continued, "human rights, the ideals underlying the Red Cross, humanitarian assistance and disarmament are all values close to my country’s heart that are highlighted in Geneva, and that we will address during the sixty-fifth session."
Main issues and processes
Statements and Messages
September 2011
- Closing statement on the occasion of "Working together for humankind" (12 September 2011)
- On the occasion of the launch of Interpeace’s Constitution-Making Handbook (9 September 2011)
- Introductory remarks on the occasion of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 11 September attacks (9 September 2011)
- Informal Plenary Meeting on the occasion of the International Day against Nuclear Tests and the 20th Anniversary closure of Semipalatinsk (2 September 2011)
August 2011
- President Deiss condemns attacks against United Nations House in Abuja (26 August 2011)
- President Deiss thanks all those who participated in the International Year of Youth events (11 August 2011)
- ‘Global Governance at the beginning of the 21st century: What is the role of the United Nations?’ (8 August 2011)
July 2011
- Follow-up to the high-level meeting on revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations (27 July 2011)
- President Deiss condemns attacks in Norway (22 July 2011)
- President Deiss' opening remarks at the Mexico Conference on the UN Security Council Reform (18 July 2011)
- President Deiss' Statement on the occasion of Flag Raising Ceremony marking the admission of the Republic of South Sudan as a new member of the United Nations (14 July 2011)
- On the occasion of South Sudan Independence Ceremony (9 July 2011)
- At the High-Level Segment of the Substantive Session of the Economic and Social Council (4 July 2011)
June 2011
- President's Introductory Remarks for the Thematic debate on the United Nations in global governance (28 June 2011)
- 2011 World Drug Report Launch (23 June 2011)
- At the occasion of the re-appointment of the Secretary-General (21 June 2011)
- Adoption of the HRC Review Resolution (17 June 2011)
- Opening Remarks - Informal civil society interactive hearing on non-communicable diseases (16 June 2011)
- At the informal joint event of the Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission on ‘Promoting durable peace and sustainable development in Sudan and South Sudan’ (13 June 2011)
- Closing Remarks - At the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS (10 June 2011)
- Opening Remarks - At the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS (8 June 2011)
- Opening Remarks - On the occasion of the Thematic Debate on the Green Economy: A Pathway to Sustainable Development (2 June 2011)
May 2011
- Luncheon on the occasion of World Tobacco Day (31 May 2011)
- Opening Ceremony at the 16th Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Conference and the Commemorative Meeting (25 May 2011)
- Opening Remarks - On the occasion of the Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on International Migration and Development (19 May 2011)
- Opening Remarks - “Global Governance and Security Council Reform” (16 May 2011)
- On the occasion of the Open Briefing of the Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force to Member States (12 May 2011)
- On the occasion of the Signature Ceremony Event for the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (11 May 2011)
- Informal Debate on the Independent Report of the Senior Advisory Group “Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict” (10 May 2011)
- High-level Meeting on Investment and Partnerships (9 May 2011)
- Productive Capacities and the Role of the Private Sector in LDCs (9 May 2011)
- 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (9 May 2011)
- Inauguration Ceremony of the Civil Society Organization Forum (8 May 2011)
- LDCs Leaders' Summit (8 May 2011)
- Statement on the Death of Osama Bin Laden (2 May 2011)
April 2011
- Opening Session of the 124th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly (15 April 2011)
- Meeting with the Ad Hoc Working Group on Revitalization (13 April 2011)
- At the General Assembly Civil Society Hearing on HIV/AIDS (8 April 2011)
- President Deiss condemns attacks against United Nations personnel (2 April 2011)
March 2011
- On the Occasion of the Side Event on “Water Challenges and Problems for Cities” on World Water Day (22 March 2011)
- On the Occasion of the Interactive Dialogue with the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (16 March 2011)
- At the Informal Thematic Debate on “Investment in and Financing of Productive Capacities in Least Developed Countries” (11 March 2011)
- At the Seventy-Sixth Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly Implementation of the Resolutions of the United Nations (A/65/L.60) (1 March 2011)
- General Assembly suspends Libya from UN Human Rights Council (1 March 2011)
February 2011
- Address to the Conference on Disarmament (28 February 2011)
- At the High-Level Segment of the 16th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February 2011)
- Remarks at the Official Launch of UN Women (24 February 2011)
- Meeting with the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (22 February 2011)
- Introductory Remarks on the Occasion of the Informal Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Priorities of the French Presidency of the G-20 with Regard to Agriculture (17 February 2011)
- At the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust Memorial Ceremony (10 February 2011)
- On the Occasion of the Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on Disaster Risk Reduction (9 February 2011)
- On the Occasion of the Global Launch of the International Year of Forests (2 February 2011)
- At the Permanent Memorial to and Remembrance of the Cictims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade (2 February 2011)
January 2011
- “Africa: an indispensable partner in a global world” - at the Sixteenth ordinary session of the Assembly of the African Union (30 January 2011)
- Africa: an Essential Partner in a Global World - Speech Delivered at the Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun (28 January 2011)
- To the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - 'Reaffirming the central role of the United Nations in global governance' (11 January 2011)
December 2010
- On the Occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December 2010)
- To the Committee of the General Assembly for the Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) (7 December 2010)
- On the Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations: Towards Economic Recovery: Rethinking Development, Retooling Global Governance (2 December 2010)
- Message on the Occasion of World AIDS Day (1 December 2010)
November 2010
- On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November 2010)
- On the Occasion of the “Africa Industrialization Day” (20 November 2010)
- On the situation in Haiti (19 November 2010)
- Introductory Remarks at the 48th Plenary meeting: Security Council report [29]; Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [119]: joint debate (11 November 2010)
- At the 10th Women Ambassadors’ Luncheon (8 November 2010)
- At the Launch of the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (4 November 2010)
October 2010
- At the Meeting with Japanese Parliamentarians (29 October 2010)
- At the United Nations University (29 October 2010)
- At the Dinner Hosted by the Hiroshima Prefecture and City (28 October 2010)
- At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial (28 October 2010)
- At the Opening of the High-level Segment of the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10) (27 October 2010)
- On the death of the Prime Minister of Barbados (24 October 2010)
- At the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly - New Partnership for Africa's Development: Progress in implementation and international support [62 (a) and (b)]: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa [12]: Joint debate (14 October 2010)
- At the 29th Plenary Meeting: Follow-up to the International Year of Microcredit (13 October 2010)
- At the International Day of Non-Violence (1 October 2010)
September 2010
- At the Closing of the General Debate of the Sixty-Fifth Session of the General Assembly (29 September 2010)
- On the Occasion of the G-77 and China 34th Annual Ministerial Meeting (28 September 2010)
- UN Sunday at the Cathedral Saint John the Divine (26 September 2010)
- Opening Statement at the High-level Meeting on Revitalizing the Work of the Conference on Disarmament and Taking Forward Multilateral Disarmament Negotiations (24 September 2010)
- High-Level Review of the Mauritius Strategy: Opening Statement (24 September 2010)
- Opening Statement at the General Debate of the General Assembly (23 September 2010)
- At the Closing of the High-level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (22 September 2010)
- At the Opening of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly as a Contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity (22 September 2010)
- Side Event on Least Developed Countries and Millennium Development Goals (21 September 2010)
- High-level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals: Opening Statement (20 September 2010)
- On Madagascar (19 September 2010)
- On the Occasion of the International Day of Democracy (15 September 2010)
- Statement at the Opening of the 65th Session of the General Assembly (14 September 2010)
June 2010
- Acceptance Speech (11 June 2010)
September 2011
- Letter transmitting a correction to the information note for the HLM on NCDs (12 September 2011)
- Letter transmitting the information note for the HLM on NCDs (9 September 2011)
- Letter transmitting the draft political declaration for the HLM on NCDs (9 September 2011)
- Letter regarding the HLM on Desertification (9 September 2011)
- Letter transmitting a summary of a retreat on strengthening of the General Assembly (8 September 2011)
- Letter convening an event in commemoration of the 9-11 attacks (6 September 2011)
August 2011
- Letter convening an Informal briefing of the Secretary-General on the terrorist attack in Nigeria (29 August 2011)
- Letter regarding the cancellation of the informal plenary meeting on G20 (26 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter and programme for the Informal Meeting on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests (18 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Chair of Intergovernmental Negotiations on SC Reform (18 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting the final list of approved NGOs for the commemoration of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (18 August 2011)
- Letter convening a briefing on the outcome of the G20 Agricultural Ministerial meeting (15 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Secretary-General regarding a joint statement between the participants of the Sixth General Meeting and CARICOM (12 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting the main conclusions and recommendations of the Permanent Forum relevant to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (11 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Co-Facilitators on NEPAD, convening informal consultations in September (8 August 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the PGA regarding the International Day against Nuclear Tests, the Twentieth Anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, and convening a plenary meeting (2 August 2011)
July 2011
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN explaining a vote concerning the resolution on closed peace keeping missions (28 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting a note on the organizational aspects of the high-level meetings in September (22 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the second information note on the organizational arrangements for the High-Level Meeting on Youth (19 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the Co-Facilitators' draft political declaration for the 10th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and convening an informal meeting (19 July 2011)
- Letter convening a meeting on the human right to water and sanitation (14 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the results of the Drawing of Lots to determine the Co-chairs for the HLM on Youth (14 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the Co-Facilitator's revision 4 of the draft declaration outcome of the HLM on Youth (13 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the information note and tentative programme for RtoP as well as the Secretary General's Report (A/65/877-S/2011/393) (7 July 2011)
- Letter transmitting the final list of civil society and private sector organizations that may participate at the HLM on Youth (6 July 2011)
June 2011
- Letter transmitting the Co-Facilitator's revision 3 of the draft declaration outcome of the HLM on Youth (30 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting the first information note on the organizational arrangements for the HLM on Youth (30 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting the list of civil society and private sector organizations that may participate at the HLM on Youth (29 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting an advanced unedited summary of the informal interactive civil society hearing on NCDs (28 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting the President's summary of the Informal Thematic Debate on International Migration and Development (28 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a list of civil society organizations for the HLM on NCDs (27 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a draft procedural resolution on the strengthening of ECOSOC (27 June 2011)
- Letter convening a plenary meeting to discuss agenda item 162 (27 June 2011)
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Co-Facilitators on the "New Partnership for Africa's Development: progress in implementation and international support" (23 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting the draft outcome document from the Co-facilitators on NCDs and convening an informal meeting (23 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Co-facilitators convening an informal meeting on the commemoration of the Durban Declaration (20 June 2011)
- Letter convening a high-level thematic debate on the UN in Global Governance (20 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Arab Groub endorsing Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, in his bid for a second term of office (17 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a policy paper on the UN's Role in Defense Sector Reform (14 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Group of Eastern European States endorsing Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, in his bid for a second term of office (14 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting an information note and provisional programme for the informal interactive civil society hearing of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (10 June 2011)
- Letter convening a plenary of the General Assembly to consider the report of the General Committee (10 June 2011)
- Letter convening a General Assembly development dialogue meeting (7 June 2011)
- Letter transmitting the revised draft resolution from the Co-facilitators on the consultations for the commemoration of the Durban Declaration (3 June 2011)
- Letter regarding the informal thematic debate on intercultural dialogue (3 June 2011)
May 2011
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Co-facilitators for the HLM on HIV/AIDS, updating Member States on the progress of the zero draft (31 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting a draft resolution from the Co-facilitators on the consultations for the commemoration of the Durban Declaration (27 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting the President's summary of the Rule of Law Thematic Debate (24 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting information and the programme for the Informal Thematic Debate on Green Economy (23 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Co-facilitators for the HLM on NCDs transmitting an advanced, unedited version of the SG's Report and to convene an informal meeting (20 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting the proposals of the G77 and China for the draft resolution of the consultations for the commemoration of the Durban Declaration (18 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations on the violent actions taken against peaceful protesters by Israel (17 May 2011)
- Letter convening an informal meeting of the plenary on G20 activities (16 May 2011)
- Letter regarding a letter from the Co-Facilitators transmitting the draft resolution of the consultations for the commemoration of the Durban Declaration and convening an informal meeting on 24 May (13 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the UN on their candidature to the HRC (11 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait to the UN on their candidature to the HRC (11 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting the summary of the informal interactive civil society hearing on HIV/AIDS of 8 April, 2011 (9 May 2011)
- Letter transmitting the letter of the Co-Facilitators of the GA Revitalization convening a meeting (6 May 2011)
- Letter regarding the first discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (4 May 2011)
- Letter convening an informal debate to consider the report, "Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict" (3 May 2011)
April 2011
- Letter transmitting the letter and zero draft of the Co-facilitators on the HLM on HIV/AIDS (28 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the private sector accreditation list for the LDC-IV (27 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the results of the drawing of lots to choose regional group nominations for the HLM on HIV/AIDS (21 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting an advance, unedited version of the summary of the hearings on LDC-IV (20 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting a letter from the Co-facilitators convening a meeting of the GA Revitalization (19 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting an information note on the organizational arrangements for the the HLM on HIV/AIDS (14 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the letter of the Co-facilitators convening two informal meetings on the High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (11 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the programme of the Thematic Debate on Human Security (5 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the letter of the Co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the revitalization of the General Assembly (5 April 2011)
- Letter regarding an Informal Thematic Debate on International Migration and Development (5 April 2011)
- Letter transmitting the letter of the Co-facilitators convening an open briefing on the High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (1 April 2011)
March 2011
- Letter regarding the letter of the President of the Human Rights Council, as well as the resolution and the adopted outcome document of the Geneva review process (31 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the list of NGOs and civil society organizations for the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (31 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the information note and final programme for the civil society hearings on HIV/AIDS (29 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Co-Chairs on the Organization of the High-level Meeting on Youth (28 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the information note and final programme for the civil society hearings for the Fourth LDC Conference (24 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the ECOSOC informal review discussion points for the informal meeting (22 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (17 March 2011)
- Letter regarding an Interactive Thematic Debate on "The Rule of Law and Global Challenges" (16 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the Civil Society Hearing for the High Level Meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (11 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the premiere of the film "Miral" (9 March 2011)
- Letter transmitting the programme of the Thematic Debate on "Investment in and financing of Productive Capacities in LDCs" (8 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the Civil Society Hearing for the High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (4 March 2011)
- Letter regarding the informal briefing at expert level on the work of the G20 Development Working Group (3 March 2011)
- Letter regarding an Informal Interactive Civil Society Hearing of the General Assembly in Preparation for the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (3 March 2011)
February 2011
- Letter regarding the draft programme of the informal Interactive Dialogue with the Global Sustainability Panel (25 February 2011)
- Letter transmitting the President's summary of the informal Thematic Debate on Disaster Risk Reduction (25 February 2011)
- Letter transmitting the letter of the Facilitator's to review the implementation of resolution 61/16 on strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (23 February 2011)
- Letter convening an informal meeting for a briefing by H.E. Mr. Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Agriculture, Food Supply, Fisheries, Rural Areas and Regional Development of France (9 February 2011)
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Co-Facilitators on the "Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action" (2 February 2011)
January 2011
- Letter regarding the reappointment of the Co-Facilitators for the HLM on prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (21 January 2011)
- Letter regarding the reappointment of the Co-Facilitators for the HLM on HIV/AIDS (21 January 2011)
- Letter transmitting the concept paper and the draft programme of the Informal Thematic Debate on Disaster Risk Reduction (21 January 2011)
December 2010
- Letter regarding the past activities of the 65th session of the General Assembly and the upcoming important events and issues that will be the focus of the General Assembly's work in 2011 (23 December 2010)
- Letter regarding the election of five members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission (17 December 2010)
- Letter convening an informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly (10 December 2010)
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Facilitator to review the implementation of resolution 61/16 on strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (7 December 2010)
- Letter convening an informal meeting of the General Assembly on 3 December 2010 on General Assembly resolution 64/250 entitled "Humanitarian assistance, emergency relief and rehabilitation in response to the devastating effects of the earthquake in Haiti" (1 December 2010)
November 2010
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Co-Chairs on revitalization of the General Assembly (19 November 2010)
- Letter transmitting a Summary and the background note of the ECOSOC Retreat on the theme "Building on Progress: Defining New Actions" (9 November 2010)
- Letter convening an informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the outcome of the G20 Summit (9 November 2010)
October 2010
- Letter regarding the appointment of the coordinator of the informal consultations on draft resolutions under agenda item 69 and its sub-items (a) to (d) to ensure coherence and monitor progress on the different resolutions (25 October 2010)
- Letter regarding the appointment of the Co-Facilitators for the consultations to determine the modalities and organizational arrangements for the comprehensive HIV/AIDS review in 2011 (20 October 2010)
- Letter regarding the appointment of a facilitator for the consultations on the organization of the World Youth Conference (20 October 2010)
- Letter transmitting the letter on the outcome of the meeting of the CERF Advisory Group (18 October 2010)
- Letter on informal events proposed for 2011 (18 October 2010)
- Letter regarding an informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council reform (18 October 2010)
- Letter regarding an appointment of the facilitators for the meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (14 October 2010)
- Letter regarding an informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the upcoming G20 Summit (13 October 2010)
- Letter transmitting the President's summary of the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Biodiversity (1 October 2010)
- Letter regarding Security Council Reform (1 October 2010)
September 2010
- Letter regarding the Review of the Human Rights Council (30 September 2010)
June 2011
- High-Level Meeting on Youth (25-26 July 2011)
- Interactive Dialogue on Responsibility to Protect (12 July 2011)
- Thematic Debate on Global Governance (28 June 2011)
- Development Dialogue (14 June 2011)
- HIV/AIDS Review (8-10 June 2011)
- Thematic Debate on Green Economy (2 June 2011)
May 2011
April 2011
- Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature (20 April 2011)
- Thematic Debate on Human Security (14 April 2011)
- Thematic Debate on the Rule of Law (11 April 2011)
March 2011
- Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly with the Secretary General's High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability (16 March 2011)
- Thematic Debate on Investment in and Financing of Productive Capacities in LDCs (11 March 2011)
February 2011
- Thematic Debate on Disaster Risk Reduction (9 February 2011)
October-November 2010
- Interactive Dialogue with G20 (22 October, 16 November 2010)
September 2010
- Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (24-25 September 2010)
- Biodiversity (22 September 2010)
- Millennium Development Goals (20-22 September 2010)
- H.E. Joseph Deiss, President
- H.E. Mr. Armin Ritz, Chef de Cabinet
- H.E. Mr. Benno Laggner, Deputy Chef de Cabinet
- H.E. Ms. Heidi Schroderus-Fox, Head of Policy Issues
- Ms. Danielle Meuwly, Personal Advisor to the President
- Mr. Jean Victor Nkolo, Spokesperson
- Ms. Nicole Ruder, Senior Advisor Development (Second Committee)
- Ms. Natalie Kohli, Senior Advisor (Human Rights Council Review, Third Committee)
- Mr. Wasim Mir, Senior Advisor (Humanitarian and Health Issues)
- Mr. Giuseppe Nesi, Legal Advisor (Sixth Committee)
- Ms. Hafida Lahiouel, Senior Advisor (Fifth Committee, GA Affairs, Protocol, Civil Society)
- Ms. Valerie Kyrle, Advisor (Regional Political Issues, Thematic Political Issues)
- Mr. Moses Rugema, Advisor (Humanitarian and Health Issues)
- Mr. Arrmanatha Nasir, Advisor (Economic Issues, Least Developed Countries)
- Mr. Gustavo Senechal, Advisor (Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding, First Committee)
- Ms. Rachel Stein-Holmes, Advisor (Migration, Thrid Committee)
- Ms. Hyun S. Sung, Advisor (Environmental Issues)
- Mr. Jonas von Freiesleben, Advisor (Security Council Reform, Fourth Committee, Middle East)
- Ms. Laura Schweizer, Advisor (June-December 2010) (Third Committee, Health Issues)
- Mr. Jose Rene Tanoy, Administrative Assistant
- Ms. Alice Farhat, Administrative Assistant to the President
- Mr. Mahmoud Ablan, Webmaster (April-September 2011)
- Mr. Yeasin Arafat, Webmaster (September 2010-February 2011)