Sustainable Water Management in Cities.

Sustainable Water Management in Cities: Engaging stakeholders for effective change and action. 13-17 December 2010. Zaragoza, Spain

Open sessions

This debate series "The race towards the 2015 target: the water engagement" was intended to demonstrate citizens' involvement and engagement on water issues through their support to international cooperation projects and their participation in management and poverty eradication initiatives.

Cooperation in action: the Water Alliance

Date: Tuesday 14 December
Time: 18:30
Venue: Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza, Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 4. Zaragoza City Centre

The Water Alliance, which is based in Zaragoza, is an initiative that has a fundamental impact on the countries of Central America. The objectives of the Water Alliance are to expand and improve access to drinking water and basic sanitation in an efficient and sustainable manner. The Alliance involves public institutions, water corporations, research centres, associations and foundations from Spain and Central America. The projects promoted by the Alliance have directly benefited and improved the access to water supply or sanitation of around 100.000 people in Central America. Moreover, the local population is now using the available water resources in a more efficient manner.

The current and future activities of the Alliance were presented. Special attention was dedicated to the results of recent evaluations focusing on the improvement of cooperation interventions in the water sector.

  • Introduced by: United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015 (UNO-IDfA/UNW-DPAC).
  • Panel: Víctor Viñuales, Mª Jesús Cajal, Water Alliance; Manuel Calderón Chévez, Mayor of León, Nicaragua; César Sampeiro Blanco, AMVISA, Vitoria, Spain; Javier Rodríguez Melón, Social Participation, Municipality of Zaragoza, Spain.

Change in action: integrated solutions for cities of the future

Date: Wednesday 15 December
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza, Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 4. Zaragoza City Centre

The cities of today's world are facing major challenges in water management. These challenges require solutions that look beyond conventional strategies. Today, cooperation between a wide range of actors is needed in order to agree on and adopt the most effective solutions.

In this session, the city cases and valuable experiences of Cali and Bogotá (Colombia), Lima (Peru), and participation processes in integratedriver basin planning and management, such as the case of the Ebro River, were presented. These experiences indicate that it is possible to reduce water consumption, to improve water quality, to re-use water for green zones in the cities and to enhance integrated management at the river basin level. The key for a successful change towards more sustainable practices lies in the participation and engagement of a wide variety of different groups of citizens.

  • Introduced by: United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015 (UNO-IDfA/UNW-DPAC).
  • Moderator: Tomás Sancho, World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE).
  • Panel: Alberto Galvis, Cali, Colombia; Mónica Sanz, Bogotá, Colombia; Gunther Merzthal, Lima, Peru; Manuel Omedas, Ebro River Basin Authority (CHE).

Target 2015: Water to fight poverty

Date: Thursday 16 December
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza, Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 4. Zaragoza City Centre

The United Nations International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015 coincides with the set time frame for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aim to reduce by half the proportion of people living without access to drinking water and basic sanitation. Water is essential for enjoying a good health and quality of life, and crucial for improving the future perspectives of people living in the world's poorest countries. These aspects were discussed in the most recent Millennium Summit, where the world's governments reinforced their commitment to fight poverty and agreed on the actions that need to be undertaken. Participants in this Summit and authoritative international experts discussed the current situation and progress in developing countries.

  • Introduced by: United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015 (UNO-IDfA/UNW-DPAC).
  • Moderator: María Dolores Campos, Journalist and Councillor of the Zaragoza City Council.
  • Panel: Alberto Tejada-Guibert, Director Director a.i. Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO; Antonio Embid, Professor of Water Law at the University of Zaragoza; Helena Caballero, Water and Environment Advisor, UNO-IDfA/UNW-DPAC.

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