Sustainable Water Management in Cities.

Sustainable Water Management in Cities: Engaging stakeholders for effective change and action. 13-17 December 2010. Zaragoza, Spain

Presentations from speakers

13 December 2010

>> Action Policy of the Water Cycle Municipal Board. Jose Ramon Entralgo [PDF document – 693 KB]

>> Landscape interventions in the Ebro River in Expo2008. Francisco Pellicer [PDF document – 3.65 MB] (in Spanish)

14 December 2010

>> Welcome message. Adeel Zafar [PDF document – 23 KB]

>> Opening remarks. Mohan Peck [PDF document – 16 KB]

>> Overview of the conference. Josefina Maestu [PDF document – 2.07 MB]

>> Streams to the sea. Stakeholders in the city: integrating and strengthening sustainable water management. John Butterworth [PDF document – 3.19 MB]

>> Presentations of city experiences: Belo Horizonte. Nilo Nascimento [PDF document – 3.45 MB]

>> Presentations of city experiences: Lodz. Monika Dziegielewska [PDF document – 854 KB]

>> Presentations of city experiences: Zaragoza. Javier Celma [PDF document – 2.05 MB]

15 December 2010

>> Biodiversity, Water and Cities. Outcomes of CBD-COP10, Nagoya 2010. David Coates [PDF document – 648 KB]

>> Recap and overview. Josefina Maestu [PDF document – 545 KB]

>> Tools and approaches. Engaging small industries and marginalized communities, the case of Bogotá, Colombia. Monica Sanz [PDF document – 3.04 MB]

>> Tools and approaches. Transitioning and strategic niche management, the cases of Birmingham, United Kingdom and Accra, Ghana. Alison Duffy [PDF document – 900 KB]

>> Tools and approaches. Visioning and scenario-based planning, the case of Alexandria, Egypt, Accra, Ghana and Lodz, Poland. Carol Howe [PDF document – 536 KB]

>> Tools and approaches. Promoting public participation, the case of Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre, Brazil. Nilo Nascimento and Sonia Knauer [PDF document – 3.31 MB]

>> Tools and approaches. The Future Cities Game, the case of Lodz, Poland. Monika Dziegielewska-Geitz [PDF document – 1.52 MB]

>> Tools and approaches. Institutional mapping, the cases of Birmingham, London, Alexandria, Belo Horizonte, Beijing. Colin Green [PDF document – 630KB]

>> Tools and approaches. The city water information sharing platform, the case of Alexandria. Marc Soutter [PDF document – 74 KB]

>> Tools and approaches. Water demand management, the case of Zaragoza, Spain. Ramón Barberán [PDF document – 240 KB] (in Spanish)

>> Pro-poor practices in urban water management. John Butterworth [PDF document – 506 KB]

16 December 2010

>> Running Out of Water: Prospects for Cities?. Peter Rogers [PDF document – 1.45 MB]

>> Recap and introduction to the day. Barbara Anton [PDF document – 483KB]

>> World Water Day 2011. Bert Diphoorn [PDF document – 851 KB]

>> 'Water for Life Best practices' award, 2011 edition. Josefina Maestu [PDF document – 151 KB]

Side Events

>> Good Governance in the Water and Sanitation Sector, the case of Asia. Peter Rogers [PDF document – 796 KB]

>> Towards financial sustainability of water management in Asian cities. Roberto Martín-Hurtado [PDF document – 182 KB]

>> Rogun Hydropwer Plan Project on Vakhshriver in Tajikistan. History, development, up-to-date status. Georgi Petrov [PDF document – 121 KB]

>> Biodiversity, Water and Cities. Outcomes of CBD-COP10, Nagoya 2010. David Coates [PDF document – 648 KB]

17 December 2010

>> Managing Water in the City of the Future. Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy [PDF document – 3.44 MB]

>> Messages and statement for World Water Day 2011. Bert Diphoorn [PDF document – 187 KB]

>> Communication efforts during the conference. Communication team [PDF document – 723 KB]

>> Recap of open sessions. [PDF document – 56 KB]

>> Conference home