Offers of Assistance

The Security Council recognizes that some States may require assistance in implementing resolution 1540 (2004). In the resolution’s operative paragraph 7, the Security Council invites States in a position to do so to offer assistance, as appropriate. Additionally, the Security Council recognises in operative paragraph 5 of resolution 1810 (2008), that assistance may also be provided by international, regional and subregional organizations.

Such assistance would be in response to specific requests by States lacking the legal and regulatory infrastructure, implementation experience and/or resources for fulfilling provisions of resolution 1540 (2004). Assistance provided under resolution 1540 can also be part of traditional security or development-related assistance by adding a dimension of resolution 1540.

To date, 46 States and 19 international organisations and other arrangements have provided information on their assistance programmes, which are published on the 1540 Committee website. Resolution 1810 (2008), in operative paragraph 5, urges them to inform the 1540 Committee of the areas in which they are able to provide assistance, and call upon them to provide the 1540 Committee with a point of contact. States seeking assistance can review these websites for initial options available to fulfil their requests.

Resolution 2663 (2022), in operative paragraph 20, encourages Member States receiving assistance as well as providers of assistance to provide feedback to the 1540 Committee on the fulfilment of the assistance requests, including activities, achievements, and areas of opportunity, as appropriate, with a view to improve the Committee’s matchmaking. 

The 1540 Committee, in its clearinghouse capacity, welcomes that States report to the 1540 Committee when assistance has been delivered or received to meet requirements of resolution 1540 (2004). Communications can be addressed to the 1540 Committee Chairman and sent to:

Secretariat of the 1540 Committee,
Attention: Chair, 1540 Committee
2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2-2046
United Nations, New York, NY 10017
Fax: 212-963-1300

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