Points of Contact



Contact Information

African Union (AU)

Mr. Peter Otim
(Expert on Common African Defence and Security Policy, Defence and Security Division, Peace and Security Department)

Tel:+251-11-551-3822 ext 4388
Email: otimp@africa-union.org, situationroom@africa-union.org

Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Implementation Support Unit

Mr. Daniel Feakes
(Chief of the BWC Implementation Support Unit, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs - Geneva Branch)

Tel: +41 (0)-22-917-2230
Fax: +41-(0)-22-917-0483
E-mail: daniel.feakes@un.org, bwc@un.org

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Division for Cooperation with International Organizations, Peacekeeping Measures and Conflict Prevention,
Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and General Political and Social Issues,
Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Tel: +375-17-222-3667/ +375-17-222-3770
Fax: +375-17-327-2339

European Union (EU)

Political Section of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations

Tel: 212-401-0137 / 212-292-8610
Email: delegation-new-york-political@eeas.europa.eu

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Mr. Tom Neylan
(Senior Policy Analyst – AML/CFT)

Mr. Ashish Kumar
(Policy Analyst, AML/CFT)

Tel: +33-1-45-24-98-53
Email: tom.neylan@fatf-gafi.org

Tel: +33-1-85-55-60-02
Email: ashish.kumar@fatf-gafi.org

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Security Sector Program (SSP)

Mr. Khalid Abdelrahman
(Head of Security Institutions Capacity Building)

Tel: +251 11 6672952
Email: khalid.abdelrahman@igad.int, khalid.igad@gmail.com

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Ms. Elena Buglova
(Director, Division of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security)

Copy to:
Mr. Scott Purvis
(Section Head, Information Management Section, Division of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security)

Copy to:
Ms. Vivian Okeke
(Representative to the UN and Director, Liaison Office)

Copy to:
Ms. Tracy C. Brown
(Liaison and Public Information Officer)

Copy to:
Ms. Marwa Mohamed
(Executive Assistant)

Email: E.Buglova@iaea.org

Tel: +43-1-2600-21807
Email: s.purvis@iaea.org

Tel: 917-774-3823 Email: vivian.okeke@un.org

Tel : 212-963-6011, 718-288-4616 Email : brown@un.org

Tel: 212-963-6010
Email: marwa.mohamed@un.org,

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Mr. Boubacar Djibo
(Director, Air Transport Bureau)


International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Mr. Peter Adams
(Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Maritime Security)

Copy to:
Ms. Gisela Vieira
(Programme Manager, Maritime Security Section)

Copy to:
Mr. Andrew Clarke
(1540 Maritime Security Lead, Maritime Security Section)

Copy to:
Maritime Security Section


Email: GVieira@imo.org

Email: AClarke@imo.org

Email: marsec@imo.org

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

Ms. Camille Scotto De Cesar
(Policy Analyst)

INTERPOL New York Office Inbox


Email: nyoffice@interpol.int

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Hon. Paddy Torsney
(Permanent Observer to the United Nations)

Tel: 212-557-5880
Email: pt@ipu.org

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

Dr. Wendin Smith (Director, Arms Control, Disarmament, WMD Non-Proliferation Centre (ACDC) - Political Affairs and Security Policy (PASP))

Mrs. Eirini Lemos-Maniati (Deputy Director, Arms Control, Disarmament, WMD Non-Proliferation Centre (ACDC) - Political Affairs and Security Policy (PASP))

Mr. Michal Miarka (Head of NATO’s Liaison Office to the United Nations)

Tel: +32 2 707 5806
Email: smith.wendin@hq.nato.int



Tel: +32 2 707 4989
E-mail: lemos-maniati.eirini@hq.nato.int


Tel: 757-469-1229
Email: miarka.michal@hq.nato.int

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)

Permanent of Mission of Japan to the
International Organizations in Vienna

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Mr. Keegan McGrath
(Senior Policy Officer, Office of Strategy and Policy)

Email: keegan.mcgrath@opcw.org

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Ms. Adriana Volenikova
(Project Officer on Non-Proliferation of WMD, Conflict Prevention Centre, Forum for Security Co-operation Support Unit)

Email: Adriana.Volenikova@osce.org

Organization of American States (OAS)

Mr. Marcelo Andrés Martinez Cespedes
(Program Officer)

Tel: 202-370-4720
Email: MAMartinez@oas.org(cc: 1540@oas.org

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Mr. Jumakhon Giyosov
(Director of the Executive Committee of SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure

Email: ecrats@mail.ru

UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Dr. James Revill
(Head of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Space Programmes)

Tel: +41 (0)22 917 9548
Email: james.revill@un.org

UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Ms. Maria Lorenzo Sobrado
(Head, CBRN Terrorism Prevention Programme, Terrorism Prevention Branch)

Tel : + 4369914595433
Email: maria.lorenzosobrado@un.org

World Customs Organization (WCO)

Mr. James McColm
(Technical Officer, Programme Manager – Security/I2C, Compliance and Enforcement)

Tel: +32-2209-9640

Fax: +32-2209-9493
Email: james.mccolm@wcoomd.org

World Health Organization (WHO)

Dr. Guenael Rodier
(Director, Department of Global Capacities, Alert and Response)

Tel: +41-22 79 21 09
Email: rodierg@who.int

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)

Mr. Keith Hamilton
(Head of the
Preparedness and Resilience Department)

Madison Wimmers
Programmes Department)

Email: k.hamilton@woah.org

Tel: +33-1 44 15 19 67
Fax: +33-1 42 67 09 87
Email: m.wimmers@woah.org

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