Security Council Presidential Statements

Symbol Meeting Records Date Title
S/PRST/2014/7 S/PV.7169 7 May 2014 Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
S/PRST/2012/14 S/PV.6753 19 April 2012 Maintenance of international peace and security
S/PRST/2007/4 S/PV.5635 23 February 2007 Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
S/PRST/2006/56 S/PV.5600 20 December 2006 Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
S/PRST/2005/34 S/PV.5229 20 July 2005 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
S/PRST/2005/16 S/PV.5168 25 April 2005 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council

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