Assistance Programmes or Offers from International, Regional and Subregional Organizations, and other Arrangements


Offers from International, Regional and Subregional Organizations

Organization Assistance programmes or offers Point of Contact
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Implementation Support Unit

BWC Assistance and Cooperation Database

BWC Website

Mr. Daniel Feakes
(Chief of the BWC Implementation Support Unit, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs - Geneva Branch)
Tel: +41 (0)-22-917-2230
Fax: +41-(0)-22-917-0483
European Union (EU)
  • Technical Assistance, Legal Assistance, and Training: Border Management Program for Central Asia (BOMCA)
  • TACIS Programme CW Facilities Decontamination and Environmental Monitoring
  • TACIS Programme Fissile Material Safeguards
  • TACIS Programme Export Controls and Border Security
  • TACIS Programme Employment of Former Weapons Scientists
  • EU Joint Action in Russia Fissile Material Disposition
  • EU Joint Action in Russia Chemical Weapons Destruction
  • EU Joint Action in Russia Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations
  • CARDS Programme: Customs modernization projects in the Balkans
  • PHARE Programme: Legal assistance nonproliferation, export and border controls for prospective EU member state

EU website

Political Section of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations
Tel: 212-401-0137 / 212-292-8610
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

IAEA Technical Cooperation Programmes

Nuclear Safety and Security

IAEA website

Ms. Elena Buglova
(Director, Division of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security)

Copy to:
Mr. Scott Purvis
(Section Head, Information Management Section, Division of Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security)
Tel: +43-1-2600-21807

Copy to:
Ms. Vivian Okeke
(Representative to the UN and Director, Liaison Office)
Tel: 917-774-3823

Copy to:
Ms. Tracy C. Brown
(Liaison and Public Information Officer)
Tel : 212-963-6011, 718-288-4616
Email :

Copy to:
Ms. Marwa Mohamed
(Executive Assistant)
Tel: 212-963-6010
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
  • INTERPOL has a key role to play in assisting the international law enforcement community to counter the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • The INTERPOL Chemical Biological Nuclear Explosive (CBRNE) Programme is dedicated to counter the CBRNE terrorist threat through the provision of intelligence and threat analysis, together with awareness training and capacity building programme offered to the 190 member countries of INTERPOL. Additionally it provides access to specialized expertise in this particular field of law enforcement.

INTERPOL website

Ms. Camille Scotto De Cesar
(Policy Analyst)

INTERPOL New York Office Inbox
International Maritime Organization (IMO)

IMO's global Enhancement of Maritime Security programme supports countries in enhancing security measures to protect ships and ports from threats posed by terrorism; piracy and armed robbery; smuggling of arms, drugs, and illicit goods; and other illicit activities.

IMO offers a number of port and ship security model courses Including, inter alia: International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code for Designated Authority and/or Port Facility Security Officers; ISPS Code Self-Assessment and Training Workshop (SATW) – port/port facility security; ISPS Code Training for Port Facility Security Personnel with designated security duties; Advanced Drills and Exercise Workshop (ADEW) – port/port facility Security; and Ship Security Officer.

IMO has also developed a number of new courses including Cyber Security and An Introduction to Passenger and Baggage Screening and Searching.

IMO offers tailored expert capacity development assistance with national maritime security governance and decision making, including the development of National Maritime Security Committees, Risk Registers and Strategies (Part of the IMO model on the Whole of Government Approach to Maritime Security) and National Maritime Table-top Exercises.

Full details on the extensive maritime security training offered by IMO can be found at the following link:

IMO Maritime Security Assistance and Training

IMO website

Director, Technical Cooperation Division Email:
Copy to:
Maritime Security Section
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Assistance for Legislative and Enforcement Measures

Technical Assistance

IMF Website

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
  • The IPU is as a provider of technical assistance to many parliaments on issues of national and international importance. This assistance is targeted at countries emerging from conflict or transitioning to democracy and is meant to build the capacity of the parliaments concerned to legislate, oversee implementation of international commitments and allocate the requisite resources.
  • In the framework of resolution 1540 (2004), the IPU assistance offers could be designed to achieve the following broad objectives:
    • Raising awareness of resolution 1540 amongst parliamentarians;
    • Facilitating exchange of best legislative and regulatory practices;
    • Providing technical assistance to strengthen the legislative and oversight capacities of parliaments

IPU website

Hon. Paddy Torsney
(Permanent Observer to the United Nations)
Tel: 212-557-5880
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

OPCW capacity-building programs

OPCW website

Mr. Keegan McGrath
(Senior Policy Officer, Office of Strategy and Policy)
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

OSCE assistance projects in the area of non-proliferation of WMD are offered to OSCE’s participating States and Partners for Co-operation :

  • The Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC) of the OSCE supports States in implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540), mainly through its extra-budgetary project launched in 2010. The project assists States, upon their request, in awareness-raising, technical expertise in implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004) as well as trainings on matters related to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • In 2015 the Forum for Security Co-operation adopted a decision on the “OSCE’s role in UNSCR 1540” and henceforth States have further strengthened the OSCE’s support to the implementation of UNSCR 1540 through, inter alia, tasking the CPC to:
    • Provide continuous and effective assistance to States, upon their request, also in preparing national implementation measures;
    • Develop and maintain the OSCE network of Points of Contact on the Resolution;
    • Enhance co-operation and information sharing with the 1540 Committee and UNODA on issues of relevance to the implementation of the Resolution;
    • Continue acting as an OSCE Point of Contact on the resolution 1540.
  • Additionally and upon requests from States, the OSCE, in line with the States’ national documents such as their National Implementation Action Plans, offers to carry out focused and comprehensive assessments in line with UNSCR 1540 (2004).
  • Furthermore, the CPC jointly with the OSCE field operations implements activities in the area of export controls of dual-use goods, as well as chemical and biological safety and security.

The OSCE stands ready to provide further assistance to interested States in their implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004) obligations.

As a regional organization, OSCE can also offer sharing of best practices with other regions, or regional organizations.

More information on the role of the OSCE in relation to UNSCR 1540 (2004) can be found in the following link:

OSCE Website

Ms. Adriana Volenikova
(Project Officer on Non-Proliferation of WMD, Conflict Prevention Centre, Forum for Security Co-operation Support Unit)

Organization of American States (OAS)

Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) Offer

OAS website

Mr. Marcelo Andrés Martinez Cespedes
(Program Officer)
Tel: 202-370-4720

United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Weapons of Mass Destruction and Other Strategic Weapons Programme

Dr. James Revill
(Head of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Space Programmes)
Tel: +41 (0)22 917 9548
United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

UNOCT is mandated by the General Assembly to strengthen the delivery of United nations counter-terrorism capacity-building assistance to Member States. Its new program on Preventing and Responding to Weapons of Mass Destruction/ Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Terrorism seeks to foster dialogue, raise awareness, encourage and promote the exchange of information and best practices in technical areas, including: the protection of CBRN materials, facilities, critical infrastructure and sensitive information; export, border and customs controls; prevention of the misuse of science and technology; incident response and crisis management; public health impact mitigation; and investigation, forensics and prosecution.

UNOCT Website

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

UNODC and Terrorism Prevention

UNODC website

Ms. Maria Lorenzo Sobrado (Head, CBRN Terrorism Prevention Programme, Terrorism Prevention Branch) Tel : + 4369914595433 Email:
World Bank Group

Technical Assistance

  • Funding, Technical Assistance: Nuclear Power Projects
  • Funding, Technical Assistance: Chemical Plant Projects
  • Funding, Technical Assistance: Port and Transit Facilitation Projects
  • Funding, Technical Assistance: Customs Modernization Projects

World Bank Website

World Customs Organization (WCO) WCO website Mr. James McColm
(Technical Officer, Programme Manager – Security/I2C, Compliance and Enforcement)
Tel: +32-2209-9640
Fax: +32-2209-9493
World Health Organization (WHO) WHO website
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is the international organisation responsible for animal health and veterinary public health, the WOAH plays a key role in setting international standards to reduce risks from animal pathogens and in building capacity to meet these standards to detect and respond to animal disease events whatever the source.

The WOAH’s assistance targets the veterinary services of its Member Countries to better comply with WOAH’s international standards for veterinary services through its capacity building platform, known as the Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway. Stronger, well-governed veterinary services are better suited to detect and respond to disease outbreaks whatever their origin, whether they are naturally occurring, deliberate or accidental.

The PVS Pathway has a number of phased components to it including orientation, evaluation and planning stages, as well as a targeted support phase which includes joint WOAH-WHO workshops to bridge veterinary services and public health services in the context of health security, PVS Sustainable Laboratory missions, and the Veterinary Legislation Support Programme.

A recent 2019 update to the WOAH PVS Tool includes a greater focus on Veterinary Services contribution to bio-threat reduction, with references to the WOAH Biological Threat Reduction Strategy 2015, Veterinary Services liaison with defence and intelligence agencies, and stronger coverage of issues such as laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.

Further information on the PVS Pathway, including all its stages.

Further assistance for capacity building for WOAH Member Countries includes the Laboratory Twinning Programme. This initiative allows for candidate institutes to build capacity and expertise in a disease, skill, or subject matter related to the mandate of the WOAH, through a time-bound partnership with either an WOAH Reference Laboratory or an WOAH Collaborating Center.

WOAH website

Mr. Keith Hamilton, Head of the Preparedness and Resilience Department

Madison Wimmers, Head, Programmes Department
Tel: +33-1 44 15 19 67
Fax: +33-1 42 67 09 87

Other arrangements

  Assistance programmes or offers Point of Contact
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Assistance for Legislative and Enforcement Measures

Technical Assistance

  • "MTCR Chair and Partners undertake outreach activities towards non-Partners … encouraging voluntary adherence to the MTCR Guidelines, and providing practical assistance for efforts to prevent the proliferation of WMD delivery systems."*

* Text contained in a letter of 12 April 2005 from the Chairman of the MTCR to the Chairman of the 1540 Committee.

MTCR Website

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) At the NSG, requests for technical assistance from governments lacking legal and regulatory infrastructure, implementation experience and/or resources for fulfilling their respective obligations under the UNSCR 1540 (2004), are circulated to the NSG participating Governments, for individual consideration, with respect to how the NSG Guidelines are implemented.
* Text contained in a letter of 8 April 2019 from the Chairman of the NSG to the Chairman of the 1540 Committee.

NSG website

NSG Point of Contact Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna Andromeda Tower, Donau-City-Strasse 6, 1220, Vienna, Austria
Zangger Committee

Zangger Committee offers guidance to all parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty in the field of nuclear export

Zangger Committee Understandings (INFCIRC/209/Rev.4)

Zangger Committee website

1540 Resources

International Instruments

News and Media

Resources for