Requests for Assistance


(Date of Request: 1 August 2017)

Assistance with regard to acquisition of four surveillance aircraft, and the construction of a seaplane base, to help in the implementation of effective border controls.

Mrs. Nicole Haylock-Rodriquez
(Deputy Coordination,
National Security Council Secretariat,
Ministry of Home Affairs)

Sr. Superintendent Bartholomew Jones
(Legal Adviser, Belize Police Department,
Ministry of Home Affairs)

Senior Military Liaison Officer
(Ministry of Defence)


(Date of request: 22 February 2021)

Assistance requested with regards to:

  • Training on obligations for relevant national stakeholders in implementing and populating the Resolution 1540 Matrix for Botswana;
  • Outreach sensitisation programmes to the public, senior government officials including Parliamentarians;
  • Establishing and maintaining effective national import/export and trans-shipment controls and detection mechanisms; and
  • Management of proliferation financing.
Mr. Thapelo A. Otukile
Director CBRN Management Authority
Private Bag 00384
Tel: +26 73 698333


(Date of request: 13 December 2022)

Assistance requested in the area of capacity-building for measures related to the resolution.



(Date of circulation to the Committee: 5 February 2020)

Assistance in the area of biosecurity, biosafety, physical protection, export and import control, transport security, laboratory measures, traceability and accountability, in particular drafting implementing regulations and guidelines for the Law to Implement the Conventions of Chemical and Biological Weapons.

Juan Pablo Rosso

Felipe Rodriguez


(Date of request: 30 June 2020)

Assistance requested with regards to:

  • Assistance in preparing the national operational list of dual-use goods.
  • Assistance in drawing up a national operational list.
  • Assistance for the implementation of places for storage and / or final disposal of waste QB.
  • Training on NBQR Incident Response.
  • Training on targeted financial sanctions in the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (ADM).
  • Training on detection of dual-use goods at borders, ports and airports.
  • Biosecurity, biosecurity and governance course.
  • Technical support for the preparation of the prevention and articulated response protocol to NBQR threats and incidents.
  • Financial support for the acquisition of radiation detection equipment for ports, airports and border points.
  • Support with the acquisition of equipment for diagnosis and identification of biological agents and toxins destined for the National Institute of Health.
  • Support for the acquisition of equipment for the detection of chemical warfare agents destined for MinDefesa - National Police-DIJIN-NBQR.

Mr. Juan José Quintana
(Director of Political Multilateral Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Tel: +57 3814000

Ms. Daniela Mejía Giraldo
(First Secretary,
Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations)
Tel: 212-355-7776

Mr. Gabriel Camilo Lazala
(First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Tel: +57 3814000 ext 1342


(Date of Request: 9 September 2024)

Assistance Request Details

Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 21 October 2013)

Legislative assistance for the development of a regulatory mechanism for the compliance and implementation of resolution 1540 (2004).
Strengthening the Institutional and Regulatory framework for the management of Chemicals, Pesticides and Fertilisers.
Disposal of obsolete pesticides and chemicals.
Enhancing capacity for testing chemical, biological and radiological substances.
Training to adequately detect and respond to chemical, biological and radiological events.
Technologies to detect explosive, weapons and illegal items in baggage or on passengers.
Enhancing capabilities to identify respond and adequately resolve CBRN incidents.

Mr. Robert Branch
(Senior Legal Counsel,
Attorney General’s Chambers)


(Date of Request: 27 August 2018)

Technical and financial assistance in the areas of development and implementation of national voluntary action plan
construction and training of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons detention teams and in obtaining respective equipment; conducting workshops and seminars.

Mr. Francisco Mendes
(Counselor, Permanent Mission of Guinea-Bissau to the United Nations)
Phone: 917-238-3853 


(Date of Request: 2 May 2018)

Support/assistance in the area of bio-safety and bio-security:

  • To strengthen national capabilities in the safe and secure handling of biological agents;
  • To promote bio-security and bio-risk laboratory management practices;
  • To enhance national capabilities to detect, diagnose, surveillance, manage outbreaks of infectious diseases;
  • To Strengthen national capabilities in maintenance and certification of biological equipment;
  • To Strengthen national capabilities in biological waste management.

Support/assistance in the area of chemical risk management:

  • To strengthen national capabilities in the safe and secure handing of chemical agents;
  • To promote chemical laboratory management practices;
  • To Strengthen national capabilities in chemical hazardous waste management;
  • To develop procedures to improve secure information management systems and data exchange mechanism for chemical materials under regulatory control.

Support/assistance in the area of border control:

  • To develop dedicated procedures and guidelines to deter illegal trans-boundary shipments of dual-use materials;
  • Training in dual use export control, to enhance the capacity of customs control officers, law enforcement, border management and transportation and border security agencies;
  • Technical support /technology to assist in the detection of potential WMD relevant dual use items;
  • To enhance container and cargo security at the border entry points.

Support/assistance in CBRN materials:

  • Training for CBRN Team (under the auspices of the Civil Defense Directorate) to enhance capabilities in case of CBRN or WMD incidents (first response);
  • Enhancing on site BC agent detection, sampling, sample handling and analysis capabilities;
  • Capacity building in hospitals to respond to CB incidents.

Assistance to enhance national capabilities in WMD forensics.

(Date of Request: 15 February 2023)

Support/assistance in the area of bio-safety and bio-security (new projects):

  • Monitoring and verification of laboratories in the field of implementing safety and security measures;
  • Joint investigations between law enforcement agencies and public health departments in the field of investigating suspicious incidents or illnesses;
  • Updating, developing and testing biological emergency plan at the national level, developing scenarios and analyzing gaps.

Support/assistance in the area of chemical risk management (new projects):

  • Supporting the national team for preventing chemical accidence and risk mitigation in chemical laboratories and stores;
  • Enhance and develop the abilities of persons working in the field of chemical safety and security at industrial and academic facilities;
  • Explanation of all required measures for safety and security in labs and chemical stores;
  • Empowering of women in chemical safety and security and secure information fields.

Support/assistance in the area of border control (new projects):

  • Technology to assist in the detection of potential WMD relevant dual use items;
  • To enhance container and cargo security at the border entry point.

Assistance to enhance national capabilities in WMD forensics.

  • Upgrading CBRN forensics capabilities, technologies and methodologies;
  • Strengthening forensics capabilities in the area of prevention of illicit trafficking of CBRN related materials, including training;
  • Strengthening capabilities in detecting and responding to WMD threats/incidents using forensic techniques and procedures through the organizing of seminars, training programs including field training courses.

Assistance in the area of WMD means of delivery.

  • Capacity building for specialists and developing their skills in monitoring the activity of WMD means of delivery;
  • Preparing specialists by providing a scholarship in international and regional non-proliferation centers and institute.

Director of Iraq National Monitoring Directorate (INMD),
Ministry of Science and Technology


(Date of Request: 23 April 2024)

Assistance Request Details

Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of request: 3 March 2017)

Assistance with regard to surveillance aircraft, to help in the implementation of effective border controls.

(Date of Request: 18 October 2023)

Assistance Request Details.

Ambassador Anthony Andanje
(Director, United Nations and
Multilateral Affairs Directorate,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)
Tel: +254-20-3318888 Fax: + 254-20-341935

Mr. George Kwanya
(Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Kenya
to the United Nations)
Tel: 212-421-4740/1/2 Fax: 212-486-1985

Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 11 October 2023)

Assistance Request Details


Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 21 March 2016)

Assistance to draft anti-terrorism legislation to include 1540 aspects.

Training of law enforcement officers and/or prosecutors dealing with terrorism and terrorism financing crimes.

Development of a voluntary National Implementation Action Plan.

Ms. Thato Mokitimi
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations)
Tel: +266-22311150

Mr. Mafiroane Motanyane
(Permanent Mission of Lesotho to the United Nations)
Tel: 212-661-1690


(Date of Request: 3 October 2019)

Request for technical and financial assistance to support the Ministry’s efforts to carry out the following activities.

  • An assessment of existing laws governing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery
  • Drafting of the communication plan
  • Drafting of the education and training plan
  • An assessment of assistance needs in the context of international partnerships.

(Date of Request: 28 March 2023)

Request for technical and financial assistance in order to support the activities deriving from the 2023–2025 National Action Plan which the Government of Madagascar intends to undertake. The most urgent activities include:

  • Assessment of the national legislative and regulatory framework on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery
  • Drawing up the national monitoring list
  • Capacity-building for national actors in relation to the monitoring mechanism for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery
Brigadier General Hery Emma René Randriamiaramanana
(Director, Moramanga Military Plant)
Tel.: +261-3203-00895


(Date of Request: 20 February 2024)

Assistance Request Details

Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 5 December 2024)

Assistance Request Details

Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 12 April 2019)

Assistance for training on obligations for relevant national stakeholders; training for frontline officials in safety and security; procurement of equipment for monitoring and detection of biological, chemical and nuclear materials; construction of a storage facility for disused and orphan sources for proper management and security.

Assistance also required in outreach programmes to the public, including Parliamentarians.

Primary point of contact for assistance request:
Mr. Francis Mponda
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Phone: +265 1 789 088/ +265 995 070 183


(Date of Request: 10 May 2019)

Assistance in Legislative harmonization: Train Mexican officials on best practices concerning the development and content of strategic trade laws and related laws, including in relation to administrative and criminal penalties.

Assistance in Export controls: Enhance national capacities through the presentation of best practices for every stage of the export control process for conventional weapons and their related parts and components, and dual-use goods, including software and technologies: risk analysis, identification of goods, catch-all clause, permits, enforcement of the law, prosecution and the application of penalties.

Assistance in Prevention and detection of illicit trafficking through customs and across borders: Bolster national capacities related to the prevention, detection and combating of illicit trafficking in dual-use goods and technologies through the sharing of practices and methodologies with international experts and others involved in implementing the resolution.

Assistance in Biosafety and biosecurity: Enhance the awareness and capacities of Mexican officials with regard to the implementation of biosafety and biosecurity measures at laboratories, research establishments and related facilities, as a measure to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Counselor María Antonieta Jáquez Huacuja
(General Coordinator for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, General-Directorate for the United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Tel: +52.55.3686.5572

Mr. Eduardo Alcibíades Sánchez Kiesslich
(Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations)
Tel: 212-752-0220


(Date of Request: 20 August 2020)

Financial and technical support for establishing the 3rd grade laboratory on Biosecurity.

(Date of Request: 6 May 2020)

Technical assistance on drafting the list of dual-use items and monitoring.

Contact point:
National Counter Terrorism Council (NCTC)
Tel: +976-92263493
Fax: +976-92263656

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

(Date of Request: 8 November 2021)

  • The national framework as it relates to Resolution 1540 requires enhancements to the relevant legislation, policies and procedures in order to be fully aligned with the aim of the Resolution. Assistance is therefore being requested to enable the relevant stakeholders to perform their duties under the resolution and bring the national framework into compliance. The below assistance will be required:
    • Drafting of national reports; and/or voluntary national implementation action plans;
    • Legislative review and technical assistance with the drafting or updating of relevant legislations, regulations and guidelines;
    • Training on the implementation of regulations, administrative and technical measures;
    • Training for regulatory and enforcement officials, administrators, inter alia, on export controls, licensing procedures, border controls, internal controls for related nuclear, chemical and biological materials, the use of equipment, commodity identification and outreach to Industry;
    • Donation or Funding for the necessary Equipment, e.g., detection equipment, licensing software.
  • Technical support provided in the area of drafting of strategic trade legislation dealing with export control and the creation and implementation of a Nation Action Plan and the establishment of a national Implementation Coordinating Group.
    • Need for sponsorship of a technical expert from VERTIC to assist Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;
    • For assistance in collaboration with CARICOM to implement National Action Plan. This would also lead to delivery of strategic trade legislation, and export control framework and the development of a National Control List;
    • Assistance to develop a national licensing framework that specifically deals with proliferation of related items as well as the developing a user control mechanism;
    • National Action Plan to look at the Physical Protection of Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Weapons (CBRN) as well as the implementation of instruments and Conventions on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPNN).

Mr. Benzil Samuel
(Designated 1540 Point of Contact)
Tel: 784-433-3697, 784- 457-1211, 784-457-9839

Mr. Cuthbert Knights
(Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health Wellness
and the Environment)
Tel: 784-457-2684

Sierra Leone

(Date of Request: 9 April 2021)

Assistance requested with regards to:

  • NW:
    • Implementation of international conventions, including CPPNM, ICSANT;
    • Reviewing and strengthening national legislation and regulations, including in terms of transportations, border control and export control.
  • CW:
    • Developing a national strategic plan for chemical security (Organizing National stakeholders consultation and popularization);
    • Developing a national legislation on the Chemical Weapon Convention;
    • Drafting for parliamentary approval a national legislation for Hazardous chemicals and pesticides, including in terms of control and management;
    • Establishing and operationalising a centralised national safe and secured storage facility for hazardous substances.
  • BW:
    • Strengthening a National legislation to incorporate the ‘One Health’ approach (Review and update the Public Health Act and all relevant legislation, harmonise with international regulations);
    • Defining responsibilities of authorities for licensing procedures for biological agents and facilities;
    • Collaboration with bordering countries on implementation.
  • NCBW:
    • Acquisition of CBRN related equipment and Staff training.

Primary point of contact
Mr. Mustapha Sannoh (CBRN National Focal Point)
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: +23276649785

Secondary point of contact
Dr. George Vardulakis (Consultant)
Cambridge, UK
Tel: +447727533933


(Date of Request: 7 September 2017)

Assistance in reporting to the 1540 Committee on 1540 related legal and regulatory updates to existing laws and measures as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP part 3.

Assistance in drafting and implementing legislation with regards to preventing non- State actors from acquiring WMD/means of delivery or any other activity in accordance with resolution 1540 (2004) op 4, and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP part 1 and 2.

Assistance in drafting and implementing legislation with regards to prohibitions as required in resolution 1540 (2004) op 2, and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP part 1 and 2.

Assistance in developing and implementing measures to account for and secure related materials to prevent the proliferation of WMD/means of delivery in accordance with resolution 1540 (2004) op 3 (a), and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP part 5, 6 and 7. Assistance could include equipment or training related to these measures.

Assistance in developing and implementing physical protection measures in accordance with resolution 1540 (2004) op. 3 (b), and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP part 4. Assistance could include equipment or training related to these measures.

Assistance in developing and implementing measures to improve border controls in accordance with resolution 1540 (2004) op. 3 (c), including related training of personnel and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP parts 8, 9,10,11 and 12. Assistance could include equipment related to this task.

Assistance in establishing and maintaining effective national export and trans-shipment controls over WMD/means of delivery/related materials including the drafting /improvement of relevant legislation in accordance with resolution 1540 (2004) op. 3(d), and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP parts 1 and 2. Assistance could include equipment related to this task.

Assistance in establishing and maintaining controls over provision of funds and services related to such exports and transshipments that would contribute to proliferation including the drafting /improvement of relevant legislation as required by resolution 1540 (2004) op. 3(d) in this regard and as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP parts 1 and 2.

Assistance in drafting, updating and implementing lists of export controlled items as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP parts 1 and 2.

Assistance in developing appropriate ways to work with and inform industry and the public about their obligations under national laws, as set down in Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP parts 3.

Assistance with regards to part 13 of Tajikistan’s 1540 NAP.

(Date of Request: 7 July 2021)

Assistance with regards to the acquisition of equipment covering NBC fields for the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency (NRSA). Details can be provided by the Committee on request.

Mr. Ilhom Mirsaidzoda
Director, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Safety and Security Agency (CBRN SSA) (National Atomic Energy Authority), National Coordinator to UNSCR1540
Tel: +992 37 227 83 83
Fax: +992 37 221 38 38


(Date of Request: 3 August 2024)

Assistance Request Details


Assistance Request Points of Contact


(Date of Request: 12 April 2019)

Technical and financial assistance to organize regional (Togo, Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso) training course of customs officers in the field of border control, and brokerage controls

National Point of Contact in Capital:
Mrs. Malessinani Akaolo
(Head of the Disarmament and Peacekeeping, Department of Defence and Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad) 
Tel: +228 90 74 47 51

National Point of Contact in New York:
Mr. Abd-El Kader Yasmin Tchalare
(Second Counsellor, Disarmament and International Security Expert, Permanent Mission of Togo to the United Nations) 
Tel: 332-207-6232 Email:  


(Date of Request: 21 May 2020)

1. Advice and support to Zambia to strengthen its nuclear security regime;
2. Development of a National Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) response plan;
3. Capacity building among customs officials in dual use Items export control and other front line officials at the borders in border management and security;
4. Training especially the type offered by INTERPOL, among Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Brigade Personnel in detection, response to and investigating incidents on the malicious use of CBRNE materials with a view to safeguard the civilian population;
5. Capacity building with regard to biosafety and bio-security particularly in biological waste management, detection and managing outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Ms. Beatrice L. Mutandi
(Counsellor (Political),
Permanent Mission of the Zambia to the United Nations)
Tel: 347-493-0743
Fax: 212-888-5277

Ms. Violet Sita Mwalilanda
(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Tel: +260-977-800-050

Mr. Humphrey Kaloza
(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Tel: +260-979-451-061

1540 Resources

International Instruments

News and Media

Resources for