
Assistance offer

Type(s)of Assistance: General
Scope: General
Regions: All
Subject(s): General

Norway is fully committed to the work of the 1540 Committee in ensuring global implementation of this resolution, including - where appropriate - through providing assistance or advice to others.

Norway welcomes the opportunity to review specific requests to support States that lack the legal and regulatory infrastructure, implementation experience and/or the necessary capacity or resources to fulfil their obligations under the 1540 resolution.

Assistance through International Organizations

The G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction is a key international non-proliferation instrument. Norway was the first non-G7 country to contribute to the Partnership in 2003. The Government's Action Plan for Nuclear Safety and Security, established in 1995, is Norway’s most important instrument for collaboration on nuclear safety and security in Ukraine and other former Soviet states.

Since 2022 Norway has suspended cooperation with the Russian authorities in this field. The primary objectives for Norway’s international work to promote nuclear safety and security are to reduce the risk of serious accidents and radioactive contamination; and prevent nuclear and other radioactive material from falling into the wrong hands.

Norway strongly supports the aims and activities of the IAEA, OPCW and BTWC ISU and regularly provides extra-budgetary support to this effect. Norway is also funding non-governmental organisations working on capacity building within the scope of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Assistance Points of Contact

1540 Resources

International Instruments

News and Media

Resources for