International Annual UN-Water Zaragoza Conference 2012/2013
Preparing for the 2013 International Year. Water Cooperation: Making it Happen! 8-10 January 2013

Expected outcomes

The Conference is preparatory for the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 and for World Water Day 2013. The Conference is expected to contribute to this in different ways:

  • Prepare documented case studies that illustrate how different tools and approaches for dispute resolution are implemented in practice;
  • Prepare a synthesis on lessons learned on the use of approaches for dispute resolution (ADR) and how to improve water cooperation;
  • Proceedings of the conference capturing the main debates and discussions. These will include shared lessons on how to overcome problems, and identification of priority gaps in the evidence-base and types of research needed by key implementing agencies
  • Prepare information briefs and visual materials to be used during the international year.
  • Feedback on the main messages for World Water Day 2013.