International Annual UN-Water Zaragoza Conference 2012/2013
Preparing for the 2013 International Year. Water Cooperation: Making it Happen! 8-10 January 2013

Peru. The use of local funds allocation committees (CLAR) and “concursos” in water management

The Users Committee of Chorro-Solis is located in the Caserio-La Florida, in the farming community of Juan Velasco Alvarado in Yamobamba, district of Huamachuco, province of Sanchez Carrión, Department of Libertad in Peru. This committee belongs to the irrigation Commission of Cushurio and the Board of Irrigation Users of Huamachuco. Water abstraction of the el Chorro El Solis Channel is done from two sources, the River Urischaca and a spring. There are 32 members irrigating by gravity or by flooding for the different campaigns to cultivate potatoes and pastures from June to September.

Payment for the right to use water is of S 0.63 cents per hour. They are paid at the end of the cultivation campaign (according to the number of accumulated hours in the 5 moths) of potatoes and pastures. They pay the Irrigation Commission of Cushuro and this in turn pays the Users Board of Huamachucho. The Users Board returns 50% of income for the maintenance of the irrigation channel.