Sixth Committee (Legal) — 79th session

Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-fifth session (Provisional agenda item 79)


Documents will be listed as they become available.

Summary of work

Background (source: A/79/100)

At its second session, the General Assembly, under the agenda item entitled “Establishment of an International Law Commission”, resolved to establish the International Law Commission, with a view to giving effect to Article 13, paragraph 1 (a), of the Charter of the United Nations and with the objective of promoting the progressive development of international law and its codification (resolution 174 (II)). The statute of the Commission, annexed to resolution 174 (II) (subsequently amended in resolutions 485 (V), 984 (X), 985 (X) and 36/39), provides that the Commission should submit reports to the Assembly.

At its fourth session, the Assembly adopted the resolution entitled “Approval of part I of the report of the International Law Commission covering its first session” (resolution 373 (IV)). The Assembly had the item entitled “Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its … session” on its agenda at its sixth, seventh and twelfth to eighteenth sessions and has had the item on its agenda annually since its twentieth session (resolutions 601 (VI), 683 (VII), 1185 (XII), 1290 (XIII), 1399 (XIV), 1504 (XV), 1686 (XVI), 1765 (XVII), 1902 (XVIII), 2045 (XX), 2167 (XXI), 2272 (XXII), 2400 (XXIII), 2501 (XXIV), 2634 (XXV), 2780 (XXVI), 2926 (XXVII), 3071 (XXVIII), 3315 (XXIX), 3495 (XXX), 31/97, 32/151, 33/139, 34/141, 35/163, 36/113, 36/114, 37/111, 37/112, 38/138, 39/85, 40/75, 41/81, 42/156, 43/169, 44/35, 44/36, 45/41, 46/54, 46/55, 47/33, 48/31, 49/51 to 49/53, 50/45, 51/160, 52/156, 53/102, 54/111, 54/112, 55/152, 56/82, 56/83, 57/21, 58/77, 59/41, 60/22, 61/34 to 61/36, 62/66, 63/123, 63/124, 64/114, 65/26, 66/98 to 66/100, 67/92, 68/111, 68/112, 69/118, 69/119, 70/236, 71/140, 71/141, 72/116, 73/202, 73/203, 73/265, 74/186, 75/135, 76/111, 77/103, 78/108 and 78/109, and decision 74/545).

At its seventy-eighth session, the Assembly allocated the item entitled “Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-third and seventy-fourth sessions” to the Sixth Committee, where statements in the debate were made by 79 delegations (see A/C.6/78/SR.2333). The Assembly decided that the next session of the International Law Commission should be held at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 15 April to 31 May 2024, which would coincide with the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Commission, and from 1 July to 2 August 2024. The Assembly recommended that the debate on the report of the Commission at the seventy-ninth session of the Assembly commence on 21 October 2024.

Moreover, the Assembly endorsed the request of the Commission that the Secretariat proceed with the necessary administrative and organizational arrangements to facilitate the holding of the first part of the seventy-seventh session of the Commission in New York (resolution 78/108).

The commencement of the seventy-fifth session was postponed until 29 April in the light of the liquidity crisis facing the Organization.

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