2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Objectives and expected results

The Conference aims to contribute to two of the objectives of World Water Day 2014. These are:

  • Demonstrate, through case studies, to decision makers in the energy sector and the water domain that integrated approaches and solutions to water-energy issues can achieve greater economic and social impacts;
  • Identify key stakeholders in the water-energy nexus and actively engage them in further developing the water-energy linkages.

The Conference will do so by:

  • Analyzing and evaluating the existing partnership experience;
  • Providing a platform for exchange of experiences of effective partnerships;
  • Drawing conclusions on lessons from existing experience and the way forward for effective partnerships to achieve water/energy access;
  • Providing a space to promote and enable new partnerships.

The expected results from the meeting are:

  1. Learning and knowledge exchange among Conference participants;
  2. Contribution to buy into the partnership idea and the creation of partnerships in  different realms of cooperation on Water and Energy;
  3. Develop a series of documented case studies, video interviews, information briefs and other materials for the World Water Day 2014;
  4. Support project preparation based on Lessons Learnt on existing Water and Energy partnerships;
  5. Support evaluation and moving forward with existing partnerships supported by the UN system (World Bank WPP, UNIDO among others).