2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Technical visit: Canal Gestión

Date: 16 January 2014
Place: Madrid, Spain (transport organized from and to Atocha Train Station)

To register for the technical visits please contact Mónica Garcés.

12:00 Bus will pick up of participants from Atocha Train Station, Madrid, Spain
12:30-13:30 Site visit
14:00 Bus arrives at Atocha Train Station

Control Centre of Canal de Isabel II

Canal Gestión is the main electric power producer in the region of Madrid in Spain. Every energy source associated with water supply and wastewater treatment is used, which allows between 50% and 100% of the company needs to be satisfied internally. Eight hydroelectric stations, eleven biogas stations of wastewater treatment, the sludge processing and energy co-generation plant in Loeches and two micro-turbines, located in a service reservoir and a wastewater treatment plant, are responsible for producing nearly 50% of the company energy requirements. Depending on resources available, this can be up to 100% in some months. All these generation facilities are integrated in the telecontrol system. Moreover, in order to optimise energy consumption, a project aimed at capturing all the information related to energy demand has been developed during the last few years.

Canal Gestión’s Main Control Centre is where the centralised supervision of the whole water cycle is carried out.

Using the telecontrol system, real time control of both the hydraulic state of all the drinking, waste and reclaimed water facilities and the quality of water is performed. The system currently monitors 1,350 remote locations and captures data from 50,000 instruments. Tele-command is also available, in 47 facilities, where it is extensively used. As a result, 12,000 pieces of data are received and processed every minute. The implementation of this system was undertaken in the eighties, aimed to improve the level of guarantee of drinking water supplied to Madrid. Nowadays it is considered one of the most advanced in the world.

Every incident taking place in the water networks is also managed in the Control Centre, from the very outset , with a customer call or an alarm issued by the telecontrol system, up to its completion. Incident management is primarily carried out by means of the geographical information system, with which, customer calls, alarms, maneouvres, repairs and filed crew locations are followed-up. Using their mobile phones and tablets, these crews can receive their work orders, report the results and query the networks’ maps.