2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Study visit: Propelling water with photovoltaic energy for water supply

Date: 16 January 2014
Location: Villar de los Navarros, Zaragoza, Spain. Note: Transportation will be provided by the Ebro River Hydrographic Confederation (CHE).

To register for the technical visits please contact Mónica Garcés.

12:00 Pick-up at the CHE headquarters (Paseo Sagasta, 24-26, Zaragoza)
12:30-13:30 Study visit at Villar de los Navarros
14:00 Arrival to the CHE headquarters

Propelling water with photovoltaic energy for water supply

The action proposed to the City Council of Villar de los Navarros consists of the installation of photovoltaic solar panels capable of creating electricity.

More specifically, the works to be carried out consist of the installation of 60 photovoltaic panels of 236 watts/panel, with an installed capacity of 14,2 Kw/h, that cover about 100 m2 of photovoltaic surface as well as an annual theoretical production of 34.400 Kw, of which only 20.000 Kw (58%) is used to propel water.

The submerged pump that propels water from the well to the municipal tanks holds 10 Kw of nominal power. In principle, the photovoltaic field needs to create peak energy above the nominal power of the pump to start the pump up. However, this issue was solved by using a frequency converter that starts the pump up at 8 Kw energy and therefore uses, more sunlight hours.