2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Finding out more about the World Water Week 2014 in Stockholm

Date: 15 January 2014
Convener: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)


The World Water Week in Stockholm, hosted and organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), has been the annual focal point for the globe's water issues since 1991.

World Water Week provides a unique forum for the exchange of views, experiences and practices between the scientific, business, policy and civic communities. It focuses on new thinking and positive action toward water-related challenges and their impact on the world’s environment, health, climate, economic and poverty reduction agenda.

Each year the World Water Week addresses a particular theme to enable a deeper examination of a specific water-related topic. While not all events during the week relate to the overall theme, the workshops driven by the Scientific Programme Committee and many seminars and side events do focus on various aspects of the theme.

In 2013, 2600 delegates attended the World Water Week and participated in the 120 which were organised by the 270 convenors of the Week.

In 2014 the World Water Week in Stockholm will be held from the 31 August to 5 September and will focus on “Energy and Water”.

When addressing the “energy and water” theme, the World Water Week shall take an overall “systems view” of how we develop and manage energy and water for the good of society and ecosystems – at local, national, regional and global levels – and avoid unintended consequences of narrow sectoral approaches.

In this endeavour we need to learn from each other and engage with energy actors who can help us to develop information and decision support systems, help us to coordinate energy and water policies and governance, help us to address the economic and financial and help us to Bridge the science-policy-people interface for energy and water.


  • The session will offer an overview of the World Water Week and present the new initiatives that will be developed for 2014.
  • This session will provide information on how organisations can get involved in the World Water Week.