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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality
Back to: Revisions and amendments at the Sixth Session
Sixth Session | Ad Hoc Committee



NGO Comments on the draft text

(Comments made at the Sixth Session and submitted to the UN Secretariat are posted below.
For more information please contact



• Amnesty International


• Arab Organization of Disabled People


• Bizchut


• Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education


• Centre for International Rehabilitation


• International Disability Caucus


• Japan Disability Forum


• Joint Council for the Physically and Mentally Diabled / Hong Kong Council of Social Service


• Joint Document outlining the positions of the World Federation of the Deaf, the World Blind Union and the World Federation of the Deaf-Blind


• Society of Catholic Social Scientists


• World Federation of the Deaf




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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Social Policy and Development