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Statements and Contributions to the Ad Hoc Committee

First Session


(Draft of a convention submitted by Mexico) Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities: working paper submitted by Mexico A/AC.265/WP.1
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Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities: position paper submitted by the European Union (A/AC.265/WP.2)
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Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities: position paper submitted by China (A/AC.265/WP.3)
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Report of the Expert Meeting on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, Mexico City, 11-14 June 2002. (A/57/212)

Summary Report of a Conference on the Theme: "Towards a United Nations Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities", Kilmainham, Dublin, 26 February 2002

Informal Briefing, 6 August 2002, United Nations, New York

Second Session


Views submitted by Governments, Intergovernmental Organizations and United Nations bodies on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (A/AC.265/2003/4 + A/AC.265/2003/4/Corr.1)
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Compilation of proposals for a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/13)

NGO contributions to the elements of a convention (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/13 Add. 1)


European Union: Elements for an International Convention (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/13 Add. 2)

Draft submitted by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (A/AC.265/2003/WP.1)

Regional Conferences

Bangkok recommendations on the elaboration of a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Outcome of an expert group meeting and seminar held in Bangkok at the headquarters of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific from 2 to 4 June 2003. (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/10)

Beirut Declaration and Recommendations on the elaboration of a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/12)

Declaration of Quito (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/8)

Disability African Regional Consultative Conference (ARCC), Final Statement, 6 May 2003 (A/AC.265/2003/CRP/11)

Executive Summary

Inter-governmental organizations (including United Nations system)


Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs

- Background paper on the international convention for the protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.

- Summary of activities in fields and concerning issues relating to the nature, structure and components of a comprehensive and integral international covention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.

Council of Europe. "Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities: enhancing a coherent policy for and through full participation" Second European Conference of Ministers responsible for Integration Policies for People with Disabilities - 7-8 May 2003 - Malaga, Spain

National Human Rights Institutions

National Human Rights Institutions form the Commonwealth and Asia Pacific Region. New Delhi, India 26-30 May 2003

Final Declaration of the Regional Workshop on Promoting the Rights of People with Disabilities: Towards a New UN Convention, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda, 5-6 June 2003. Secretariat of African National Institutions.

Discussion Paper on Founding Principles of Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Danish Institute for Human Rights, A/AC.265/2003/CRP/9

Conclusions of the Workshop on the Human Rights of Persons With Disabilities of the Network of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of the Americas, San José, Costa Rica, March 28, 2003
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Non-governmental Organizations and Independent Experts

Disability Awareness in Action, DAART Centre for Disability and Human Rights. Submission to the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, 2003

Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). Position Paper Regarding a New International Human Rights Convention for Disabled People, February 2003.

European Disability Forum. The EDF Contribution to the Second Ad Hoc Committee to consider proposals for a United Nations Convention to Protect and Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Brussels, May 2003
[ Français | Español ]

Inclusion International. Some reflections, proposals and recommendations for the IDA meeting on the Convention to Protect the Rights of Disabled Persons, February 2003 [ Español ]

Independent expert. Draft Convention

International Disability Alliance (IDA). Towards a UN Disability Convention: Statement for 2nd Ad Hoc Committee Session, 2 March 2003
[Français | Español]

Rehabilitation International (RI), The Arab Region Document: Toward a Comprehensive and integrated Convention on Protecting and promoting the Rights of Disabled Persons, March 2003.

World Blind Union, Manifesto for a United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: 'Equal Rights and Full inclusion as World Citizens,' February 2003. [ PDF format only ]

World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). Submission to the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities

Working Group

Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee:

Chair's draft text (I-IV): Elements of a Comprehensive and Integral Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, 15 December 2003 (Chair's Draft)

Chair's draft text (V): Draft elements on implementation: Application, Implementation and Monitoring of the Convention. Date of submission: 24 December 2003

Chair's draft text: Preamble, submission date: 7 January 2004


Australia: Australia's approach to a draft convention on the rights of people with disabilities

China: Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, A Proposed Draft Text by China, Date of submission: 11 December 2003

Costa Rica: National Council for Rehabilitation and Special Education - Some aspects to include in the drafting of the convention of the human rights of the persons with disabilities

European Union: EU Proposal for the text of an International Convention on the Full and Equal Enjoyment of all Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by Persons with Disabilities, 18 December 2003 (EU Proposal)

European Union: "Elements for an International Convention", submitted at the second session of the Ad Hoc Committee, (A/AC.265/2003/CRP.13/Add.2)

India: Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities - Draft Convention, India, 5 January 2004

Japan: Position Paper of the Government of Japan on the Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. Date of submission: 24 December 2003

Mexico: Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, Working Paper submitted by Mexico at the first session of the Ad Hoc Committee, (A/AC.265/WP.1)

New Zealand: New Zealand's view of a Convention on the Rights Of Disabled People, 28 November 2003

United States: Disability Rights Law Measures in the United States

Venezuela: Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. Draft submitted by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the second session of the Ad Hoc Committee, (A/AC.265/2003/WP.1)

National Human Rights Insitutions:

African Regional Workshop: Regional Workshop on Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Towards a New UN Convention, Munyonyo-Kampala, Uganda, 5-6 June 2003

Commonwealth and Asia Pacific Region International Workshop: An International Workshop for National Human Rights Institutions from the Commonwealth and Asia Pacific Region, New Delhi, India, 26-29 May 2003

IGOs/Regional Meetings:

African Regional Consultative Conference (ARCC), Johannesburg, South Africa, 1-6 May 2003

Bangkok Draft: Regional Workshop towards a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-17 October 2003

Bangkok Recommendations: Expert Group Meeting and Seminar on an International Convention to Protect and Promote the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-4 June 2003

Seminar of Quito: Americas regional seminar and workshop on norms and standards related to the rights of persons with disabilities and development, Quito, Republic of Ecuador, 9-11 April 2003

United Nations System:

ILO: Submission to Working Group set up by the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to consider proposals for a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, Date of submission: 18 December 2003

UNICEF: Proposals to the Working Group on the International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities


Disabled Peoples' International: DPI Position Paper Regarding a New International Human Rights Convention for Disabled People, Disabled Peoples' International, 25 February 2003

DPI- Japan: DPI Japanese Assembly Position Paper Regarding the Convention, Date of submission: 19 June 2003

European Disability Forum: The EDF Contribution to the Second Ad Hoc Committee to consider proposals for a United Nations Convention to Protect and Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Brussels, May 2003

Inclusion International: Some reflections, proposals and recommendations for the IDA meeting on the Convention to Protect the Rights of Disabled Persons, February 2003 and submission of 30 December 2003

International Disability Alliance: Towards a UN Disability Convention: Statement for 2nd Ad Hoc Committee session, 2 March 2003

Rights into Action - the International Network of Young Disabled People: A Position Statement on the proposed Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities

World Blind Union: Manifesto for a United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, February 2003

World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), submission to the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee in 2003 and contributions submitted on 30 December 2003 and 5 January 2004



On-line consultation organized by DESA: comments on the draft text presented by Mexico

Coalition of Individuals, Organisations and Agencies of the People, for the People and by the People with Disabilities in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Poland), Date of submission: 13 December 2003 (Coalition Eastern Europe)

Compilation of proposals for elements of a convention (Download MS Word version)

Third Session

Revisions and amendments proposed at the third session

- Governments

- UN System Organizations

- National Human Rights Institutions

- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

Third and Fourth Sessions

Contributions and comments* on the draft text presented by the Working Group as a basis for negotiation and proposed revisions and amendments made by the members of the Ad Hoc Committee (Comments received prior to the Fourth Session)

National Human Rights Institutions

• Asia Pacific Forum ( MS Word | PDF )

• The Office of the Swedish Disability Ombudsman

o Recommendations ( MS Word )

o List of Participants ( MS Word )

o Terms of Reference ( MS Word )

o Programme ( MS Word )

o Addendum ( MS Word )

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Non-governmental Organizations

Adaptive Environments

• Bizchut – Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities ( MS Word | PDF )

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions

• Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education

o May, 2004

o August, 2004 ( MS Word )

• Children’s Rights Alliance for England – CRAE ( MS Word | PDF )

• Japan Disability Forum ( MS Word | PDF )

European Disability Forum

Inclusion International

Indian NGO Consultative Meeting

• International Disability Caucus on the Convention – 18 August, 2004 ( MS Word )

International Disability and Development Consortium

• International Save the Children Alliance

o May, 2004

o August, 2004 ( MS Word )

International Commission of Jurists

Joint Council for the Physically and Mentally Disabled – Hong Kong

• Landmine survivors Network

o March, 2004

o August, 2004 ( MS Word )

Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd

• Rehabilitation International ( MS Word | PDF )

World Blind Union

• Working Meeting of NGOs for people with disabilities from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova ( MS Word )

• World Federation of the Deaf

o May, 2004

o August, 2004 ( MS Word )

World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry

UN System Organizations

International Labour Organization

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

• World Health Organization ( MS Word | PDF )

Fourth Session

Revisions and amendments proposed at the Fourth Session

- Governments

- UN System Organizations

- National Human Rights Institutions

- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

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